How to make a holiday cheerful and bright, and rest is pleasant and memorable

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What To Give Scorpio

Making a good gift for a Scorpio is not so easy. This zodiac sign prefers everything mysterious, unusual, beautiful. Sensual and difficult Scorpio is best given something unusual, perhaps with a hint of sex. Oddly enough, the first thing you should pay attention to when giving a gift to Scorpio is the packaging

How To Save Money For The New Year

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The long-awaited winter holidays inevitably entail additional spending on gifts for loved ones, refreshments, New Year's decorations and entertainment. The question of how to save money for the New Year and celebrate it well without serious damage to the family budget will never cease to be relevant

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In the spring, on the eve of the Bright Feast of Easter, especially religious Christians observe fasting. Fasting people strictly adhere to a lean diet, refuse carnal pleasures and all kinds of entertainment. The fast lasts 48 days, of which only three days are allowed to include seafood (fish and caviar) in the menu

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How To Water The Tree So As Not To Crumble

A live tree has one significant advantage over an artificial one - it exudes a magical spruce scent. True, if you do not provide the spruce with proper care, the tree will quickly become unsightly (needles will crumble) and stop emitting a coniferous smell

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What To Do If Santa Claus Did Not Take The Letter From The Windowsill

Many children on the eve of the New Year write letters to Santa Claus. Some children send their letters and postcards with wishes by mail, while others prefer to leave messages to the kind wizard at home on the windowsill, under the Christmas tree or even in the freezer

How Long Can A Tree Stand In An Apartment

How Long Can A Tree Stand In An Apartment

New Year has its own flavor. For some, this holiday is associated with the smell of tangerines, for others - fresh baked goods with cinnamon or ginger, and for others - Christmas trees. However, for most people, the aroma of the New Year combines all of the above smells, which is why, on the eve of the holiday, fruit vases in many houses are bursting with an abundance of citrus fruits, candy bowls - gingerbread, and the main decoration of the apartment is a green beauty - spruc

Is It Possible To Make Noise At Night In The New Year

Is It Possible To Make Noise At Night In The New Year

Some people like to "make some noise" when celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, for example, throwing a noisy party with dancing in their apartment, setting up fireworks, singing karaoke and so on. But these actions are a violation of the law, non-observance of which is punishable by administrative responsibility

What Should Be On The New Year's Table In

What Should Be On The New Year's Table In

It is believed that the whole year was accompanied by good luck in business, it is necessary to celebrate the New Year in a certain setting in a certain outfit and it is imperative to eat only those dishes that would be "approved" by the patroness of the year throughout the holiday

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree In Year Of The Pig: Colors

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree In Year Of The Pig: Colors

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year. By installing a green beauty at home and dressing her with decorations of certain colors, you can give the room a festive look. In addition, a well-chosen color of balls, tinsel and other decorative elements for a Christmas tree can favorably affect the course of affairs in the coming year, and especially financial ones

How To Prepare For The New Year

How To Prepare For The New Year

When it comes time to prepare for New Year's Eve, it is difficult to avoid the hustle and bustle and chaos. After all, I would like the meeting of the New Year to be perfect. Fortunately, success does not depend on the amount of effort and nerves you put in, but on smart planning

How To Get Ready For The New Year

How To Get Ready For The New Year

A situation familiar to many people: on the calendar on December 30, and in my head there is a mess of thoughts about the Christmas tree, decorating the house, the festive menu and own outfit. In order not to fuss on New Year's Eve, but to wait for the holiday in sweet anticipation, it is necessary to plan preparation in advance

How To Survive The New Year Holidays Without Harm To Your Health

How To Survive The New Year Holidays Without Harm To Your Health

New Year is a time of miracles, fulfillment of desires, meetings with loved ones and friends, joint gatherings at the festive table, for which a huge number of delicious and original dishes were prepared. The holidays are coming to an end, and a stranger is looking at you from the mirror, having put on a few pounds and looking tired from sleepless nights and not always a healthy pastime

How To Cheer Adults And Children On New Year's Eve?

How To Cheer Adults And Children On New Year's Eve?

Soon the next New Year's celebration will come again, relatives will gather, friends with their children will come to visit. Fun, noise and din will begin, and the same question will revolve in my head: "What and how to keep the children busy?

How To Make Artificial Stone

How To Make Artificial Stone

The stone has long been used for interior decoration, building facades, and landscape design. It remains a popular material today, but thanks to the development of technology, natural stone gave way to artificial stone, which, however, has a significant drawback - a high cost in comparison with other finishing materials

What Original Dishes To Serve For The New Year's Table

What Original Dishes To Serve For The New Year's Table

So there is very little time left until the most anticipated holiday - the New Year. The bustle will soon begin on the streets: buying souvenirs, decorating a house, preparing a festive menu. It is to the choice of delicious and unique delights for the New Year's table that many housewives are especially careful

Why Summer Is A Dangerous Time Of The Year

Why Summer Is A Dangerous Time Of The Year

People are looking forward to summer, planning a vacation, imagining how they will spend warm summer money, but this time of year has its drawbacks and can be considered dangerous. Instructions Step 1 Midges and mosquitoes literally chase us in the summer

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Today Black Friday is a popular international trend. Black Friday's mega-shopping kicks off a Christmas sales season that does not span just one continent: Antarctica (a clear penguin flaw!). In Russia, in 2019, the campaign is being held for the seventh time

Horoscope For New Year 2020

Horoscope For New Year 2020

New Year 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat. On the eve of the holiday, many want to know what awaits them next year. What plans to make, what to expect and how to get lucky? One way to get a little glimpse into the future is with a New Year horoscope

How To Choose Fresh Flowers

How To Choose Fresh Flowers

Flowers are an obligatory attribute of all holidays and gifts. How you want them to please the recipient for a long time. But it often happens that a bouquet that seemed beautiful in the store and has just been cut, withers almost immediately

How To Spend Free Time For A Student

How To Spend Free Time For A Student

During the school term, schoolchildren usually do not have problems with employment. It is necessary to have time to prepare a large number of homework assignments, and in addition to this, often, and visit institutions of additional education