How Much Alcohol Is Needed For A Wedding Banquet

How Much Alcohol Is Needed For A Wedding Banquet
How Much Alcohol Is Needed For A Wedding Banquet

When ordering a banquet in a restaurant, the question often arises: how much alcohol you need to take in order for everyone to have enough, and at the same time there is not a lot of excess left.

How much alcohol is needed for a wedding banquet
How much alcohol is needed for a wedding banquet

Many restaurants and cafes, when ordering a banquet, allow you to bring alcohol with you or buy from them at supplier prices. The question arises: how much and what is better to take?

1. The first advice - you don't need a large assortment and a lot of items. At the banquet, it will still be impossible to keep track of “his” bottle in front of each guest. As a result, everything gets mixed up and this can lead to not very good results.

So it is enough to take 2-3 names of spirits, for example: vodka, whiskey, cognac. And 2-3 names of low alcohol, for example: red wine, white wine, champagne. An exception can be made for close relatives - if your grandmother drinks exclusively Chivas Regal, then you need to warn the waiters about this in advance.

2. Among friends, you can conduct a survey on social networks or by phone, who will drink what, offering several options to choose from. Thus, you will get a rough idea of the amount and ratio of drinks.

3. Now in terms of quantity. Of course, there is no single scheme here, it all depends on the company. But a certain average calculation looks like this: 0.3-0.4 liters of strong alcohol per person and 0.5-0.7 liters of low-alcohol drinks. For example, if you have 100 guests, then you get 30-40 liters of strong and 50-70 liters of weak alcohol. It is clear that someone will drink only wine, someone - only vodka, and someone does not drink alcohol at all.

4. It will be enough to take champagne only for a counter buffet, at the rate of 1 bottle for 5 people. At the table, guests usually switch to other drinks.

5. If there is “extra” alcohol left, it’s not scary, since you can always take it with you or give it to guests. In any case, it will not deteriorate or disappear. So you can safely with a "margin".

6. Warn the waiters not to open all the bottles at once, but only as needed. If you want to make sure that the restaurant employees do not take your alcohol to their home (which, unfortunately, sometimes happens), arrange that all the bottles you brought were immediately put into the hall on a separate table. You can also ask not to throw away the plugs and then count them.

Although, it should be noted that for such measures the waiters have long come up with their own ways to cheat, but at least most of the alcohol not drunk will survive.

7. Don't forget about soft drinks. There should be about one and a half liters per person, especially in summer. It is better to take a little water, 0, 2–0, 3 liters per person. The rest is juices, fruit drinks, cola. When choosing non-alcoholic drinks, be guided by the ordered alcohol. For vodka they usually take orange, pineapple, tomato juices, fruit drink, for whiskey - apple juice or cola, for martini - orange and cherry juices.

8. Since guests usually gather earlier and wait for the young, it is better for them to provide a counter buffet, or a welcome drink, so that they talk over a glass of champagne or cocktail. Also, you need to offer water and juices for the buffet table.

9. Agree in advance with the restaurant administrator when you can come and pick up the remaining drinks.
