On April 1, the probability of being played in the office, at home or on the street is very high. To understand that they want to play a trick on you, you need to take a closer look at the interlocutor, assess whether everything is in place, and let them arrange a joke.

Step 1
Listen to the tone of the other person. Behind the deliberate seriousness of a person, there may be an overwhelming desire to laugh. Few people know how to remain calm if they know in advance about the ridiculous outcome of the dialogue. Uncharacteristic phrases, intonations and gestures, or, conversely, the absence of such, can betray the joker. Also, a person can avert his eyes, if he does not want to give himself away, cover his mouth with his palm to hide a grin.
Step 2
Pay attention to the rest of the people in the room. If they're diligently going about their business but sneaking glances at you, they may well be waiting for the prank to happen. Also, laughter or smiles may indicate an upcoming joke.
Step 3
Be careful on April 1st. Do not rush to perform any action if you are urged to do so. This applies to both ordinary things, for example, you were asked to raise a handle or move a chair, and completely strange calls: such as a request to talk to a police officer, or take a statement to your boss asking for a pay increase. If the request is made more than two times, there is most likely something behind this, especially if the action to be called for can be performed independently.
Step 4
Assess the situation. If events begin to take a completely unexpected turn on April 1, it is likely that someone you know was doing it.
Step 5
Take a look around. It is quite possible that the objects are not in their places, something has been moved, but something is simply not there. In this case, the chances are high that it was rigged to play a trick on you.
Step 6
Take your time to believe all the messages you receive by email. Perhaps they ask you to come somewhere, in fact, it may turn out that the joker is just waiting for you to leave the room to prepare for the prank.