For those who want to relax by the sea, but are not ready to leave a large amount of money on the coast, a vacation in Turkey is an excellent option. For a not too large amount, you will receive a warm sea, a sandy beach and quality service. Try to make your stay in a Turkish resort as cheap as possible.

Step 1
Explore the offers of various tour operators. It is likely that some of them offer last minute deals, somewhere you can buy a tour to a recently opened hotel, which will cost significantly less. Also, if you are sure that the date of your vacation will not change, book a hotel and buy plane tickets a few months before the trip - they will cost you significantly less.
Step 2
Also, the cost of the trip depends on the season. It will be much cheaper for you to relax on the Turkish coast in April or late autumn than if you go in the middle of the tourist season. Affects the cost of the voucher and the presence of a developed infrastructure: proximity to the city, the presence of bars and discos, children's rooms. If you are unassuming and are only driving to enjoy the sea and the sun, choose a quiet hotel located away from the city - this will save you money.
Step 3
When going to Turkey, you should take both dollars and local currency (lira) with you. In principle, American money will be accepted everywhere with pleasure, but there may not be change, and you will be given liras at a not very favorable rate.
Step 4
Be polite and friendly with staff and local people. It is also worth learning a few simple phrases in Turkish: good evening, thank you, please. Having heard the native speech of a Russian tourist, the seller is much more willing to give you a discount on the coveted souvenirs.
Step 5
If you decide to combine business with pleasure and want to go to a fur factory or a leather factory, do not listen to people who advise you to take the free bus. This bus will take you to the most expensive store. It is better to read before the trip on the Internet reviews of travelers, where there are inexpensive boutiques in the area of your holiday destination, where you can make the desired purchase.