All of a sudden, only the heel can break. There should be no surprises when it comes to organizing a wedding, so you should think over everything in advance so that the celebration will take place at the highest level and be remembered as much as possible not only by the young, but also by the guests present.

Step 1
Talk to a holiday professional. A well-organized celebration will be remembered for a long time and will leave the most pleasant impressions. It can be one person or several. Experts will help you find contractors for banquet decoration, cars. In addition, agencies have discounts at specialty stores that sell clothes for people who are getting married. Depending on the season, you can choose a more open version or a dress with a fur coat made of natural or faux fur.
Step 2
Choose a photographer not for the price of the services provided, but for a well-designed portfolio. All dates are booked with professionals long in advance, so it is better to start looking for a photographer and videographer in advance. It is better to rehearse the shooting in advance, learn the dance, pick up the necessary photos. Recently, a fashionable tendency is multi-camera shooting, when one operator is physically unable to shoot from different angles an episode of a festive celebration and the reaction of guests, you have to help the second, and then the shooting is edited. It will cost more financially, but much more spectacular than a regular wedding shoot.
Step 3
Consider shooting in rain. If you have the ability, you can make a wedding decor yourself, using master classes on the Internet: paper flowers, initials, hearts, all these little things can decorate a wedding photo album. To shoot a love story, you need to think over makeup and hair, and then rehearse the most successful angles with the photographer.
Step 4
Avoid platitudes, the musical accompaniment of the official part is not only Mendelssohn's march, even in the registry office there is a wide choice: from Bach to Elvis Presley. The first dance of a festive celebration can also be anything, a personal approach to the choice of music is important here. It is desirable that the melody evoke vivid emotions in lovers, associated with pleasant events. If the couple does not have a song yet, the sound engineer can pick it up, and then it will always remind the couple of their wedding. This is how family traditions arise!