The ransom of the bride is the first ceremony that begins the wedding. The groom, having enlisted the support of friends and relatives, stuffing his pockets with money and taking with him fruits, sweets, alcohol, goes to fetch his beloved in the parental home. At this time, the bride awaits a meeting with trepidation, and her friends are preparing to thoroughly test the future husband.

How it all began
The rite of redemption of the bride goes back to the distant Middle Ages. He was very loved in Russia, especially in villages and towns. If the groom was not local, at the entrance to the village of his beloved he was met by an obstacle in the form of a log, large stones, etc. All relatives of the bride, friends, neighbors and just acquaintances were going to the ransom. Pies, fruits, cookies and, of course, strong alcohol were accepted as payment.
Having passed the first obstacle, the groom approached the house of his betrothed, where the bride's relatives and cousins, as well as their friends, were already waiting for him. Young people needed to test their beloved sister's strength and endurance. The groom was asked to cut a log, climb over a fence, etc. If he coped with this, he received applause and approval from the bride's family as a reward.
Modern ransom
Today, bride price is not perceived as a test of the groom's strength. Rather, it has an entertainment function. As tasks, the young man is asked to answer questions related to his beloved and their relationship (when they met, kissed for the first time, etc.), to recognize the bride by a child's photo or lip print. The groom is tested for wit, ingenuity, sense of humor, reaction speed and the ability to say compliments. In the case when the subject finds it difficult to answer, faithful friends and relatives come to the rescue. If that helps, the company buys off chocolate, fruit, alcohol, and money.
Traditionally, the bride's ransom is carried out by her friends. They do not want to give the girl away just like that, demanding food and money. To make the ceremony more fun and interesting, the ransom is made in the form of a scene. The parental home is represented by a castle led by a king and queen, a mafia clan or a pirate ship. Depending on the field of activity of the newlyweds, the ransom can be on a medical, banking, computer topic.
Most often, the start of the trial is the bride's yard. The groom is met at the entrance and is led on foot through all the floors and steps. If a girl lives in her house, most of the contests are held on the street.
Quest redemptions have become popular lately. The groom receives tasks all the way to the bride. To prepare such a ransom, a large number of assistants will be required, who need to be placed on the "points", as well as an operator who will shoot everything on video. After completing one task, the young man receives a tip on where to look for the next. The final point is the bride's house.