How To Choose Fireworks

How To Choose Fireworks
How To Choose Fireworks

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When buying fireworks of one kind or another, keep in mind that they all require careful handling and cannot be used by children without adult supervision. If you cannot ensure the safe use of pyrotechnics, it is better to do without this entertainment. Are you confident in your skill? It's up to the choice of quality products.


Step 1

The simplest and safest fireworks display is the good old firecracker, which has remained virtually unchanged. It is a bright and colorful cardboard or plastic cylinder with a string. This toy can also be used by children, but the presence of adults is still necessary - after all, a child can simply be very frightened and there will be no one to calm him down. Pull the string and get a cloud of confetti and streamers. For kids, it's best to look for surprise crackers - miniature toys or folded paper masks. This fireworks display is suitable for those who do not want to throw a lot of money down the drain, because firecrackers are very inexpensive

Step 2

Firecrackers as festive fireworks are not very effective - a loud clap without visual brilliance and sparks is not impressive. They can be used one at a time or with a whole bundle of batteries. Never throw firecrackers at people and animals, do not carry them unpacked in your pocket. Move to a safe distance from this product after setting fire to this product

Step 3

Sparklers are also inexpensive and relatively safe pyrotechnics. If earlier they were released no more than 20 centimeters long and they burned for several seconds, now you can buy candles up to 70 centimeters long and they will burn for several minutes. Choose good quality factory-made sparklers that won't spoil your tablecloth with flying pieces. Better to arrange these fireworks beautifully in a glass jar, and put it on a metal tray

Step 4

"Volcanoes" and "fountains" - these fireworks are very similar. They are produced in the form of cylinders or cones. Fiery jets, sparkling sparks, shiny balls and stars, twinkling snowflakes - all this can be at a height from a few centimeters to ten meters. This type of pyrotechnics can combine different colors and effects, as well as split into several small fountains during combustion. Use large, long-burning fireworks in an open space, fixing them on the surface so that they do not fly off to where they were not expected to appear. There are fountains and small volcanoes that can be used in a room, of course, after having read the attached instructions for use and fulfilling all safety requirements

Step 5

"Roman candles" burn very beautifully - comets and stars that sparkle and whistle, gradually spreading from top to bottom of the body of the candle. Attach this pyrotechnic to a peg driven into the ground and observe the effect at a safe distance. The rockets burst into sparkling lights at a height of 20-100 meters, which eliminates their use near houses, trees and voltage wires. This fireworks fly away entirely - the rocket itself and the stick attached to it, so it is better to insert it into a bottle fixed on the ground. The fireworks batteries look like boxes with New Year's sets of candies, and their spectacle is amazing. It is difficult to describe all kinds of effects contained in them - this is a must see! Such powerful pyrotechnics must be handled with extreme caution and observed from a distance of at least ten meters.
