The wedding anniversary is one of the wonderful family holidays, which couples have treated with special trepidation for many years, because on this day they vowed to each other in love and fidelity and promised to be there in joy and sorrow. The closest relatives and friends are invited to such a holiday, who have supported the lovers all this time, helped solve problems and rejoiced at their successes together. And if you are going to a celebration on the occasion of a wedding anniversary, do not be lazy to write a kind congratulation for a happy family.

Step 1
Look in advance on the Internet or specialized literature, what name corresponds to the wedding anniversary of your friends or relatives, and, based on this, come up with your congratulations to the "newlyweds". For example, for a paper wedding, you may wish that the walls of the house were strong, and not thin and fragile like paper. But at the same time, so that there are always a lot of pieces of paper (money) rustling in your pockets. For a wooden wedding (5 years), wish that, because of disputes and problems, loving hearts do not flash like matches; so that a man was strong in spirit and was a reliable support, like an age-old oak tree, and a woman, like a slender mountain ash or birch tree, was his faithful and gentle companion. For a pink wedding, and this is already 10 years of marriage, you can give a married couple rose-colored glasses so that they, at least sometimes, put them on and look at each other, forgetting about the shortcomings and troubles of life.
Step 2
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary should include your kind warm words to the couple, so write in advance on a separate piece of paper what you would like to wish them. However, try not to include in a large number of phrases that carry a negative meaning even in a negative sense: "there would be no bad weather", "no trouble", "no quarrels." Replace them with kind positive expressions, such as “let there be joy and happiness in the house”, “let love and harmony reign in the family”, “love and respect each other”.
Step 3
If you want to make a joke greeting, also write in advance a list of your wishes, which can be correlated with the character traits of the spouses. For example, if your husband has a strong business acumen, wish to take first place in the world ranking of millionaires, and a cunning, resourceful wife to purchase a warm fox fur coat. For spouses who like to go hiking, wish to conquer Chomolungma, and for a couple who know how to count and save money, once spend it on their most cherished dream.
Step 4
If you want to write congratulations in verse, but you are not very good at rhyming, first write your congratulations in prose, and then use the rhyme dictionary (you can find it on the Internet or in libraries). By rhyming with certain words, you may discover new facets of talent and new words of wishes that will please the couple celebrating their wedding anniversary.
Step 5
If you are going to a wedding anniversary (5, 10, 15 or 25 years old), you can also mention this commemorative figure in your congratulations. For example, name five qualities of each of the spouses, thanks to which they liked each other, or give a disc with melodies of love, where to record 25 gentle romantic musical compositions, and in congratulations say 25 compliments to each of the spouses who have lived together such a wonderful silver period. The main thing is that your wishes come from the very heart.