The night of the sending of the first revelation of the Koran by the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) to the Prophet Muhammad became known in the Muslim world as the great Night of Power. After that, for another twenty-three years, Muhammad wrote down the revelations, which later made up the Koran - the holy scripture for all devout Muslims.

The month of fasting, obligatory for a devout Muslim, is called Ramadan, or Ramadan. Daily abstinence from food and the creation of good deeds are prescribed by the Qur'an, which contains the foundations of Islam. The five unbreakable pillars of Islam, obligatory for everyone who believe in Allah, were erected thanks to the revelations of the vice of Mahhamed. Here they are:
- Ash-shahadat - evidence that Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his prophet;
- As-salat - daily fivefold prayer - Namaz;
- Az-zakat - charity;
- As-saum - great fast;
- Al-Hajj is a pilgrimage.
The beginning of the post
The sacred hadith records how an ordinary person can learn about the beginning of the great Muslim fast. It begins with the appearance of a new month in the sky (on the night of the new moon) and ends when the month appears again. Its duration is 30 days (one lunar month).
The scriptures say that it was enough for one person (unless it is a woman) to see the young moon and tell the others about it. It is desirable for the ruler or his deputy in the given territory. Since then, the beginning of Ramadan has been declared by a competent person at his discretion, relying either on observing the phases of the moon, or calculated astronomically if the moon is not visible in the sky due to some circumstances. To confirm the end of the fast, the testimony of two people was needed. Due to the adopted frame of reference, the beginning of Ramadan may not coincide in different countries.
During fasting, everyone who has reached the prescribed age must daily pray, fast, refrain from food, refuse intimacy, the use of intoxicants and other unworthy behavior from sunrise to sunset, and give alms. During this period, it is prescribed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is designed to pacify the desires of the flesh and surrender to the desires of the soul. This time is considered the most favorable for spiritual achievements and religious insights. Because the gates of hell are locked and heavenly gates open. During this period, there is one special night, which gives as many benefits as not to receive in 1000 months.
Based on the indications of the sacred texts, this night should be sought in the last 10 days of Ramadan among odd nights. There is no more precise indication, so that those who seek the mercy of Allah do not lose their vigilance. The sacred night of Baraat is the culmination of a person's spiritual exploits, the result of observing all the prescribed rules of conduct during fasting and throughout the year. Imams tirelessly urge Muslims not to forget about Allah for a minute, so as not to become like Christians who remember God only on holidays.