At school, children spend, perhaps, the most interesting and meaningful part of their life, which they will always remember later. And in it there should be a place not only for routine and daily duties, but also for holidays. How to hold such an extraordinary event that will delight both senior and junior schoolchildren, and make your native educational institution closer and more desirable? It is not easy to take into account all the main nuances associated with the organization of an event, but it is quite possible.

Step 1
Think over an idea, it should be interesting for students and have an educational component. It is necessary that the holiday be valuable and long-awaited for the majority of students, and for this you should not prepare school-wide events too often. Three or four such holidays a year is enough. Other significant events can be celebrated in a different, more modest form.
Step 2
If funding allows, try organizing your party with professionals and hired artists. But, as a rule, such events are done by the joint efforts of students, parents and children.
Step 3
Organize an initiative group of children and adults who will come up with a detailed and clear scenario, taking into account everything that is required for the celebration, and determine who will be responsible for preparing each of its elements.
Step 4
To make the holiday not boring, try to make the general, introductory part as short and compact as possible. The main part should be thought out in several ways, by age group.
Step 5
Ask members of the parent committee to buy souvenirs, stationery, toys, etc. for prizes. Children will surely like this turn of events.
Step 6
It is important that as many children as possible, even junior grades, take part in organizing the event. For example, if you invite past graduates, guests, you can prepare touching homemade postcards with the kids, make paper garlands to decorate corridors and halls, etc.
Step 7
Keep in mind that students' interest in the holiday can be supported if each group of participants is assigned only a specific task, and contests, prizes, costumes, etc. will be a pleasant surprise for them. Pay close attention to music as well. Nowadays, thanks to digital technologies, there is an opportunity to find something original, unbroken, something that can surprise and please the guys.
Step 8
Choose a team of assistants carefully. They must be able to quickly respond to all unforeseen circumstances (a switched off light, a stuck curtain, a silenced music, etc.), find a decent way out of any difficult situation and improvise so that your festive program is not crumpled.
Step 9
It is better not to hold contests and competitions in which there may be losers at the holiday. It is better to replace them with creative tasks, pop numbers and scenes that are just interesting to watch.
Step 10
During the holiday, do not forget to mark and thank all those guys who were preparing for it. Typically, a well-organized event is taken for granted and the people doing the rough work are simply overlooked. Let these inconspicuous participants in your interesting action also receive their share of applause.
Step 11
Try to involve children (and possibly parents) to keep the school in order during the holiday. If they take it responsibly, you will not worry about possible violations of discipline or any excesses in toilets, "dark corners", etc.