How To Make Birds

How To Make Birds
How To Make Birds

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There are many bird figures in the art of origami, these schemes even stand out in a separate direction. Models range from frankly simple, like a swan, to very complex ones, representing a figurine of a bird with folded plumage, beak and legs. And this is all without a single cut or gluing, from a whole sheet of paper.

How to make birds
How to make birds


Naturally, making birds with your own hands according to complex schemes is quite painstaking, but very interesting. But the most interesting technique for creating paper birds is modular origami. This is the next level of folding. Initially, the required number of triangular modules of different colors is added, and then they are assembled into a three-dimensional model.

How to make birds
How to make birds

How to make a triangular module?

The module is folded using the origami technique from white or colored sheets of rectangular paper, with an aspect ratio of 1/1, 5. You can divide the main A4 sheet into 16 or 32 parts to get rectangles of the desired ratio. Place the sheet horizontally and fold it in half in the middle in a horizontal plane. Mark a vertical fold line in the middle. Bend the edges of the rectangle to this line and turn the resulting shape over.

How to make birds
How to make birds

Bend up the lower corners of the figure so that there is a small gap between the corner and the upper triangle. Bend the bottom edges of the shape up to the base of the upper triangle. Fold the triangle in half. The figurine we received has two corners and two pockets. The modules are interconnected by insertion into each other. The resulting triangular origami module has two pockets and two corners.

How to make birds
How to make birds

Swan made of triangular modules. After preparing the multi-colored triangular modules, it is not very difficult to assemble the figure of any bird. The most popular bird assembly schemes are the swan and the owl. To assemble a swan, you will need about 500 modules. The first row consists of 30 modules standing on the short side, the second row is fastened by 2 corners of adjacent modules into the pockets of one module of the first row, the second row also consists of 30 pcs.

How to make birds
How to make birds

We add the third, fourth and fifth rows of modules, collecting them in a checkerboard pattern. The module of the new row should fit into the adjacent pockets of two modules of the previous row with corners. After that, carefully grab the edges of the figure and pull it up, like a stocking, to make a glass. Add the sixth row. We begin to form the wings on the sides: we choose the center where the neck will be located (two corners of the neighboring modules) and from it we lay out 12 components in both directions, a place for the tail is formed in the back. Each next row of wings will be two modules less.

How to make birds
How to make birds

In the same way, the tail is displayed in the back gap. The neck is made according to a different principle: two corners of the module are inserted into two pockets of the other. This gives the neck the desired bend. The figure stand is made according to the principle of the neck from two rings. The lower ring is slightly larger in diameter than the upper one, so that the swan is in the enclosure. You can decorate the swan with eye beads.
