Many people do not have much joy in retirement. Rather, on the contrary, they feel that life is passing, all the best is left behind, and boredom and loneliness lie ahead. Congratulate the person on retirement so that he or she feels that life during this time can be vibrant and fulfilling.

Step 1
If you organize a traditional event with solemn speeches and the presentation of useless gifts, you will hardly be able to pleasantly surprise the newly-minted retiree. Come up with something original and interesting.
Step 2
Think over the scenario of the holiday. Select facilitators and their assistants. Decorate the room beautifully with balloons or flowers.
Step 3
First you need to think about how to tell about what a person lives, what interests him, how to introduce him to his family members. Therefore, prepare a computer presentation in advance.
Step 4
To do this, you will need to prepare interesting photos, talk with family members of the future pensioner. Imagine him not as a skilled worker who will be missed, but as a good husband, father, grandfather, an avid fisherman or a summer resident. This will allow colleagues to look at him from a different angle, and also emphasize the idea that he will have something to do in retirement.
Step 5
Prepare poems, congratulations, you can, comic. Write in them that you kindly envy his newfound freedom, when you can travel a lot, do your favorite hobby, when you don't need to go to work every day.
Step 6
Do not give useless things that will gather dust in the closet for many years. If the future pensioner is fond of sports, give him a racket or skis, skates or a bicycle.
Step 7
You can think of holding several contests that would highlight the good physical shape of a person. For example, if he dances well, a competition for the best twist or waltz could be offered.
Step 8
Ask relatives to take an active part in honoring the pensioner. You can help them prepare. For example, to come up with the words of a song with them or pick up a musical accompaniment to it about a dear and close person. Anyone will be pleased to hear kind and sincere words from their loved ones.
Step 9
It is not necessary to have a lavish banquet. You can simply organize a tea party, during which you sing along with the pensioner his favorite songs. Have a heart-to-heart talk over tea, ask him to come to visit, to remain a mentor to young colleagues.