This sign is distinguished by its inconsistency. Today Virgo is a wonderful complaisant wife, and tomorrow she takes out her brain and breaks up with you. They do not like to give attention, however, they like to receive it from others. You will never be bored with such women. It will take a lot of effort to win her attention.

Choosing a gift is a daunting task as she doesn't need a trinket or a bouquet of flowers. She accepts only practical gifts. Virgo women are a terrible sweet tooth. You can give a huge cake, and she will be delighted. But do not relax, because everything is not so simple here. The gift should be meaningful and useful. She will not tolerate stupid and spontaneous gifts, such as a bouquet of flowers, a card, a bottle of champagne. This is all just to divert your eyes.
Virgo is the type of woman who wants everything or nothing. That is, either a gift that is applicable further in everyday life or in life, or nothing. They don't need trash. The best thing you can do for your lady is to guess her secret desires. Perhaps she does not want an expensive or chic gift, perhaps this thing is quite inexpensive. But if it comes from you, it will be appreciated.
Virgo is a very economic person. The best way to please is to buy what she has long dreamed of. Do not try to "brush off" an expensive gift or an empty trinket. Look for a little thing for future use. Don't try to give something because you have to. Turn on your imagination and be creative. Let her feel like a queen. Give attention and love, she will appreciate and be delighted.