Parody is perhaps the most difficult comedy genre, because it requires not only innate talent, but also developed observation and a sense of proportion. Moreover, any genre has rules that must be adhered to.

Step 1
Examine the object.
The main principle of parody is that the viewer recognizes the traits and properties of another person in you. Therefore, to make a really successful number. First of all, you will need to become closely acquainted with the parodied person. Moreover, you should know well the group of people in front of whom you will speak: if the joke is not recognizable, then it may not work. In other words, the greatest success will be achieved by the "joke" of your boss, which you have already discussed three times throughout the office.
Step 2
Pay attention to the plastic.
For example, according to research by psychologists, gait can tell a lot about a person's personality. Therefore, a real parody will never be successful if you do not try to copy the gestures, body movements and habits of a person - they emphasize his character. At the same time, plastic is not perceived by the analytical part of the brain, but goes into the subconscious, therefore, here, on the contrary, the most valuable gesture will be such a gesture to which the audience usually does not pay attention.
Step 3
Parody only with a hero.
Firstly, such a parody will be elementarily polite, and secondly, the presence of the “original” in the hall will only add sensations to the audience. “It’s not just me watching, but also the boss being portrayed. How funny that someone dared to show him from the sidelines!”- an approximate train of thought that will make the whole audience look not only at you, but also at the“lucky one”. However, you should also watch his reaction very carefully: if a person crosses his arms and legs, then he most likely does not like it, even if there is a polite smile on his face.
Step 4
Hypertrophy, but don't overdo it.
The secret of the perfect parody is that you deliberately exaggerate the chosen traits of a person. However, you should not overdo it and get hung up on one thing - already being repeated twice, the joke loses its freshness. Moreover, this approach will allow you to politely say: “Of course, we know that a person does not behave this way in life, and we are not laughing at him. We laugh at some of its features, while greatly enlarged. Perhaps the wording is not entirely true in every case, but it reflects the general train of thought.
Step 5
The very fact of parody is not a joke.
For example, paying attention to the performances of television parodists, you will notice that even in the smallest 3-minute performance there are ordinary jokes that have nothing to do with the parody object. This is done simply in order to keep the viewer's attention for a long time - it is not so easy to squeeze many "characteristic features" out of one person.