The spider web decoration on the wall looks rather exotic. Such a handmade web can be a great addition to the Halloween style to the appropriate decoration of the apartment on the eve of this overseas holiday. It is not difficult to make such a web and from the materials we need only a skein of white or black thread. Although you can take colored threads, at your discretion.

Step 1
Our web will not be so easy to weave on a bare wall, so we will consider the case when we have a noticeable ledge on the wall or some piece of furniture is placed next to it.
Step 2
First, we will stretch the frame of our web. These will be two or three intertwined threads in an area equal to the area of the conceived web. It is important that the threads have something to attach to. For this, a doorknob, a corner of a table, batteries, or some kind of specially constructed device for cobwebs will do. If there is absolutely nothing to tie the thread to, you can glue it with tape, but not to the wall itself. In this case, it is better to glue the thread to the floor covering or skirting boards, for example.
Step 3
When the frame is ready, we can start weaving the rest of the web. Moreover, the web can be weaved, going to the middle, or you can go from the middle to the ends. Let's start weaving with you from the middle. And here you can go in two ways: cut off pieces from the thread and weave them into the frame one by one, or weave them straight from the skein. It would be better to make the middle of our web with a cut piece of thread. Further, you can not trim. Although it all depends on the cobweb and on the skein, or rather, on their size.
Step 4
Thread jumpers are fixed between the frame by tying knots or wrapping the thread around the frame several times. This is quite enough so that our web does not fall apart into its component parts.