Name days are a great occasion to have fun at any time of the year. But in the summer I would like to celebrate my birthday especially interestingly. The multitude of flowers and fresh fruits, the gentle sun dispose to a creative approach in organizing this celebration.

Step 1
In the warm season, most of all you want to get out into nature. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to transfer the festival to the dacha or to a pre-selected forest glade, closer to the reservoir. Bring a variety of colored ribbons, lace or braid with you. Invite your guests to decorate a tall tree with them, say good wishes and toasts in your honor near it.
Step 2
You should not be limited only to a feast with banal kebabs and salads. Organize a big sports event. Warn guests in advance about the need to come in suitable clothes, prepare the necessary equipment. Divide the participants into two teams and arrange a competition. Children will be happy to support the game, and older people will take part as fans.
Step 3
If your guests are young, energetic people, then entertain them, for example, with comic football. Mark the gate with ordinary plastic dishes, and turn the balloon into a ball. Or suggest a simple and very fun game that your parents still loved - running in sacks. Unleash your imagination, choose a topic more boldly, come up with a script, make a fun performance that will unite people.
Step 4
Maybe a feast in nature seems too primitive to you? Then rent a motor ship, boat or yacht. Take an exciting boat trip with your friends. It is unlikely that any of them will refuse the opportunity to dance on the open deck, drink a glass of champagne to the health of a dear birthday boy, admiring the banks passing by.
Step 5
For fans of extreme types of recreation, there are also more exotic summer activities. For example, swimming with dolphins (if there is a dolphinarium in your city). Every hour spent with these smart animals will be remembered for a long time. Or invite your friends to take a parachute jump together. Stormy emotions and vivid impressions will be guaranteed. It is likely that spending your birthday in the air will become a good tradition for the whole company.