As a child, everyone is looking forward to their birthday. However, from year to year, each person is getting older. And, of course, everyone celebrates such an event in different ways. And I want this momentous day to be remembered for a long time. Having an original birthday is both very difficult and very easy at the same time. It is difficult to find an interesting and original idea. And it's easy, because if the organization process is interesting, it will delight you in itself.

Step 1
The very first thing to do is to plan the preparation of the celebration. Think over all the expected stages. For example, a feast, interesting contests and games for everyone present, a photo session, dances and outdoor festivities. Hang up balloons, charming lanterns, place small bouquets of flowers, attach suitable posters - in short, everything that gives the event a festive atmosphere.
Step 2
You can prepare a masquerade ball on a specific theme, arrange a fun party. Draw the scenery, decorate the room and have a feast in the tradition of this theme. The selection of topics is very large. Plunging into the atmosphere of ancient Athens or Rome, playing the role of knights, pirates or Indians, participating in various suitable competitions - the holiday will be unforgettable. Light suitable music will ideally complement and create the necessary mood.
Step 3
You don't have to celebrate your birthday at home. If the weather permits, then you can spend it outdoors, and the choice is very large. Arrange walks in the woods, light a fire, cook a barbecue, sing to the guitar, dance in the disco at night to the music coming from the car and to the music of car headlights.