Carols mean an ancient Slavic traditional holiday, which is associated with the solstice in winter. With the advent of Christianity, this celebration was timed to coincide with Christmastide.

Step 1
Get your costumes ready. As a rule, by tradition, mummers go to carols. Therefore, you need to dress up in the most appropriate way. There is no need to sew or buy real fancy dress. You can simply make the required number of masks with your own hands for yourself, as well as for your relatives. Masks should be varied: a witch, animals, brownies and many other fairy-tale characters.
Step 2
Slip on an old sheepskin coat so that the fur is facing out. Then decorate your head with small horns or wear a wig. Next, tie a few colored ribbons on yourself.
Step 3
Bring confetti and streamers with you to create a fun, festive mood.
Step 4
Go around the courtyards and with the help of short songs wish the owners happiness, prosperity and well-being in the new year. It is best to think over the lyrics of the song in advance. You can use ready-made carols songs. You can find them on the Internet.
Step 5
Memorize all the songs so as not to forget the lyrics while you perform them. When you go caroling to your neighbors' houses or apartments, sing in chorus and accompany the singing with merry dances. After all, you need to make a decent impression on the owners so that they reward you with gifts. Sprinkle them with streamers and confetti. Try to captivate them with your joy, and then invite them to continue carols with you.
Step 6
Bring a couple of bags or a large bag where you can store gifts. Usually sweet biscuits, gingerbread or candy are presented. The more you glorify the owners, the more you will get various sweet foods from them.
Step 7
Roll a snowman on the street or start a snow battle. The main thing is that all the participants in the carol can be involved in this entertainment.
Step 8
Eat the received treats with all the carols. Have a large tea party at one large table.