Singing carols is an ancient Christmas tradition. Usually children sing carols on Christmas Eve. To go caroling, you need to learn Christmas songs and dress up in a fancy dress.

After Christmas, there is a fun time for the festivities. These days are called Christmastide. One of the Christmastide traditions is singing hymns to the glory of the Savior, in Russia these hymns are called carols. This custom originated in the days of paganism, when a holiday with chants was organized on the solstice. With the adoption of Christianity, the traditions of this pagan holiday were reborn into carols. Modern texts of carols praise Christ and cry for help. Most often, children sing carols, sometimes adults join them.
How carols were sung before
Traditionally, on Christmas morning, a company of young people gathered in the street, one of them holding a staff with a seven-pointed star, which was decorated with ribbons and the image of Christ. Many dressed up in costumes of animals or buffoons. Together they walked down the street, singing carols and knocking on the doors of houses. If the owner gave permission, the whole merry company went inside and began to sing. In gratitude for the wishes of well-being and Christmas songs, the owner of the house gave gifts to the carols. It could be sweets, meat dishes, or money. If the carolers did not receive a treat, they could play a trick on the owner, for example, throw snow at the front door and windows.
In the evening, the girls went to play. Instead of a pole with a star, they held a lantern in their hands. They sang only on the street, without going into the house.
Christmas carols were divided into several groups: hunting, love, military, biblical, and peasant carols. Since the end of the eighteenth century, the texts of carols praising Christ and the Theotokos have gained great popularity, as well as simple texts urging the owner to give something to the carols.
During the years of Soviet power, singing carols was abandoned, like many other Christian traditions. Now caroling is gradually returning to our lives. Children in kindergarten and school are often taught to sing carols and have Christmas evenings.
How to sing carols now
There are currently no special rules for caroling. Usually on Christmastide, children simply knock on apartments and sing songs for those who opened them.
To go singing carols, you need to dress up. It is better to prepare the suit in advance. It can be a costume of a jester, a bear or any other, as long as it is impossible to recognize you. Learn a few Christmas carols and go home with your friends. After the door is opened for you, say hello to the owner and offer to sing carols, you will probably not be denied. After the song, give the host a treat bag and ask them to put sweets in it.