What To Do With Children At A Wedding: Ideas

What To Do With Children At A Wedding: Ideas
What To Do With Children At A Wedding: Ideas

The presence of children at the wedding celebration creates a unique atmosphere of ease and joy. However, this statement is only true if everything was organized correctly and the children feel comfortable. So that a fun holiday does not turn into a nightmare with childish tantrums, you should carefully consider how to captivate the kids and how to keep them occupied.

What to do with children at a wedding: ideas
What to do with children at a wedding: ideas

Perfect wedding with children

In the event that there are only a couple of children on the guest list, then you will not have to organize anything special for them. Surely they will sit next to moms and dads, and will not cause you much trouble. In this case, be sure to warn the parents that a large company of children at the wedding is not expected. It is quite possible that after a few hours of being at the banquet, the parents will decide to send the kids to their grandmothers.

Children under the age of 3 should not be taken with you to the registry office, as the kids simply do not know how to restrain their crying or screaming and the solemn atmosphere will be disturbed.

If you do decide to invite a whole squad of children to the wedding, it would be ideal to bring together kids of the same age, because it will be much easier for them to communicate with each other. Be sure to stock up on the necessary set of products for the kids, especially if they go for a walk with you. In addition to candy and liquor for yourself and your guests, put juice, cookies, and sandwiches in your bag.

During a banquet, places for parents with children should be arranged so that they can leave the hall at any time. Also, there should be no musical equipment near children. Be sure to discuss the children's menu with the parents, you may have to prepare several dishes in a separate order.

How to keep the little guests busy

Little ones can be assigned several pleasant and uncomplicated responsibilities. For example, they can recite poetry in honor of the young or sing a song for them. During the "kidnapping" of the bride, the little girl can play her role, taking the place of the young one on the chair.

When a couple leaves the registry office, children can shower the road in front of them with rose petals. Also, babies can support the bride's train (if, of course, there is one).

How to organize leisure time for children at a wedding

If the invited kids will be more than two, try to organize leisure activities for them so that they feel at ease and their parents can relax in peace. If you plan to hold a buffet table outdoors, you can set up a separate tent for children, or organize outdoor games.

If the restaurant where the banquet will take place has a separate room, there you can put a table with children's treats, lay out board games and various toys. If there is no such room, then the table for children can be installed in the banquet hall away from the "adult" tables and stage. It is better to warn the toastmaster in advance that little guests will be present at the holiday so that he will prepare contests and various fun activities for them. Of course, if the budget allows, you can invite animators or clowns for the kids.
