Exit Check-in With Children. How Not To Turn A Wedding Into A Nightmare

Exit Check-in With Children. How Not To Turn A Wedding Into A Nightmare
Exit Check-in With Children. How Not To Turn A Wedding Into A Nightmare

How fabulously beautiful a wedding can be if you invite the little prince and princess to the field registration. But behind all the external beauty of the celebration, there may be disappointment because of these pranksters. How to prevent a looming catastrophe?

Children at the wedding - a bold step
Children at the wedding - a bold step

Of course, young children need an eye and an eye, because they are quite unpredictable. Moreover, they will be very worried and worried that they have been given such important roles as introducing the bride and groom to the guests. What to do to make the exit registration a success and the little prince and princess to do everything correctly?

Rule one

Choose children correctly, by age. The most ideal age for a girl who scatters petals and a boy who presents rings is from 3, 5 to 5 years old. To force a child who is very small is to completely doom the visiting ceremony to failure. Less than 3, 5 years old - children are completely unpredictable, and often just at this age they are gripped by a wave of shyness and embarrassment.

Also, find out the opinion of the child himself, on whom you want to entrust such a responsible responsibility, maybe he wanted to help you in something else. In no case do not force children to do what they do not like, and even more so to impose such a responsibility on them.

Second rule

Be sure to discuss your idea with the parents of the children you want to use in the celebration. And this must be done as early as possible. You cannot confront the parents of these children with a fact, because it is they who can tell you with precision whether their children will cope with the task at hand or not. Therefore, do not be offended if you receive a refusal, they are also worried about the success of your event and do not want to ruin anything.

When the parents of the children have given their consent, you must discuss all the details with them that relate to the onsite marriage registration. Then they can start rehearsing with their children.

Rehearsal with children is the most important moment before the celebration
Rehearsal with children is the most important moment before the celebration

Third rule

The little prince and princess should look no worse than the bride and groom. Therefore, think about this moment in advance. Don't take it lightly. After all, it is the boy who keeps the rings and the girl with petals who introduce the bride and groom to all the guests. They are the very messengers of happiness who tell guests: “Shh, now you will see the most magnificent groom…. Shh, the most beautiful bride is coming towards her love …”.

I will tell you that when these little, cute, beautiful angels appear, the guests, holding their breath, watch them with great pleasure and affection.

Rule four is mandatory

You should definitely do a rehearsal of the visiting ceremony before the wedding. It is then that the children will be able to see exactly where they will have to go, what actions will be required of them. It will be much easier for them later, because they have already been to this place, they met him in advance. To ensure that your main participants in the ceremony feel confident and do everything right on your special day, be sure to do a rehearsal with them.


The fifth rule

If you want to attract a child to participate in the registration of marriage, you must talk to him about it. Tell him how important it is, explain why registration is necessary and what a wedding is. If you tell your child how important it is and how much you want him to help you, the child will never refuse help.

Ask him questions, whether he understood everything, whether he likes what you ask him for. Be kind and affectionate. Try not to get annoyed if he doesn't understand something. Children need a certain approach, find it, and then the child will be very happy to help you in everything.

Rule six

Get your child to help with the wedding preparations. Let him choose an outfit for you with you, help you choose funny music, look for ideas on the Internet with you. Give him the opportunity to feel necessary, consult with him, say how important his opinion is to you. Also, choose an outfit for your child with enthusiasm, not forgetting to praise him and entice him to participate in your event.

Seventh rule

You have already started rehearsing with the child his exit. Be sure to do it with music. He must remember at what moment he will need to go out, let him get used to the melody in advance. Also, be sure to give the child a pillow (basket, etc.) so that he already understands and tries to do what he has to do at the exit wedding ceremony.

Explain and show him how he should walk, how he should behave when he sees so many people. Give encouragement and praise even if something goes wrong. The main thing here is to rehearse. The more often you repeat this, the faster everything will be deposited in the baby's head.


Rule Eight

It is not even discussed. After the ceremony, you will have to praise the children and somehow thank them. Therefore, prepare a small gift or sweets for them in advance. After all, they put so much emotion, work and effort to fulfill their promise. Do not forget about this point. Otherwise it will look like you don't care and you forgot about them.

Rule nine

If there is an opportunity to change the child's clothes at the very last moment, do it before the ceremony itself. It happens that parents buy their children incredibly beautiful outfits that are very difficult to wear for a long time in the summer in the heat. Therefore, so that the child does not get tired and does not mate in this outfit, dress him at the very last moment.

Calculate the time so that you have time to dress him, comb his hair and rehearse his exit again. In order for the child to feel cozy and comfortable even after the ceremony, at the celebration itself, do not forget to change him into more comfortable and light clothes. If you plan to sit at the table all evening, then the child has completely different plans.

Rule ten

Do not force the child. If he doesn't like something and doesn't want to do something, don't drive him to hysterics. Leave the baby for a while, let him be distracted and calm down. Try to repeat your actions a little later. Think about what is more important: for the child to wear this hated bow anyway, or, even without a bow, but so that he is calm at the ceremony.


Rule eleven

If you see that the child can’t get himself together and take the first step, take the smallest by the hand and take it out yourself (this moment must be discussed in advance with the bride and groom). Or let the child be taken out by one of the couple's friends / girlfriends. If, before the ceremony, the child flatly refused to participate, do not force him, do not scold or get angry.

On such a holiday there is no place for quarrels and resentments, better support the child and praise him for telling you about it in time. Therefore, for such an outcome of events, you should always keep in mind an older child who can complete this task.

Rule twelve

Nobody has canceled the safety precautions yet. Knowing that there will be children at the celebration, you need to take care of their safety in advance. Also provide a separate room for the little ones, where the baby can be changed, fed and put to sleep. There are rarely weddings where there are no children at all. Take care of them in advance, prepare entertainment, children's menu, etc.

If you do everything right for them, they will not bring trouble and trouble, but, on the contrary, will gladly help and participate in the celebration. Love children - they will reciprocate you !!!
