How quickly time flies! It seems that family happiness was born only recently, and now children are adults. Or a firm that you hardly started is now an industry leader. So many wonderful moments have happened during these years! And whether it is a wedding anniversary, a round date of the company, or its own anniversary, the celebration should be celebrated beautifully. After all, such events happen extremely rarely, so a lot of effort is needed to organize them successfully.

Step 1
Be sure to distribute responsibility for each part of the festive celebration. Individual people should be responsible for meeting guests, showing slides, lighting, sound, and conducting the holiday. And don't even try to combine all these functions in one person. Nothing good will come of it anyway, and the celebration will be blurred.
Step 2
Prepare invitations. There are a huge number of options. It could be a poster invitation. This type is suitable for companies when all employees of the company are invited to the celebration. A stylized invitation is written not on a simple letterhead, but, for example, on a sheet of paper folded in the manner of a scroll. There should be "wax" seals cut from colored paper. You can arrange the invitation in the form of a mask, a picture or a flower in the Japanese style (the letters in this case are stylized as hieroglyphs). Or you can send a videotape with a recorded invitation by mail. This view is more suitable for those guests who live far away. It is possible to tie the invitation to a balloon inflated with helium and present it to the guests.
Step 3
Engage professional decorators to decorate the premises where the anniversary is planned, and the hall will really turn out to be unique and elegant. Make several stands with different photo reports on your own.
Step 4
Create a script for your anniversary party. The very concept of anniversary is associated with a round date, as well as an anniversary ending in the number five. They differ not only in the age of the hero of the occasion, but also in the composition and contingent of invited guests, and in the richness of the festive program. Therefore, anniversaries are large, medium and small. If you have charted an average anniversary, then you need to remember that it does not include an official part. It includes: a festive feast, entertainment and dance programs. And a small anniversary consists of only one part - a festive feast.
Step 5
If you are planning a big anniversary, consider the formal part. Congratulate the hero of the day in a special way, for example, sing all together a song that was specially written in honor of the hero of the occasion. Also, on the anniversary, one cannot do without congratulations written in poetic form. You can write them yourself, or you can use a variety of collections of congratulations.
Step 6
Prepare in advance and present the hero of the day with a playful diploma. It is known that they are still issued at the end of training in any educational institution, and going through the school of life is not a field to cross. An elegant diploma, on which the figures of the corresponding age should flaunt, may include a characteristic of the personal qualities of the hero of the day, an assessment of his labor activity, and gratitude. The hero of the occasion will be glad if his merits are documented.
Step 7
Next, start a festive banquet, during which congratulations and toasts are pronounced in honor of the hero of the day. Before the active part of the celebration, you can still do a little "warm-up". All guests present in turn give a compliment to the hero of the occasion. Compliments should be different for everyone, and the beginning of the phrase is the same: "Our hero of the day is the most …". If someone could not come up with a new compliment, he makes a toast.
Step 8
Now that the guests have warmed up, you can offer them fun outdoor games and contests. And the anniversary ends with dancing. For this purpose, you can invite a DJ. Discuss in advance the repertoire, clothes of the artists, whether the songs ordered by the guests will be paid separately.
Step 9
If possible, invite to work: - artists of the original genre; - parodists; - show ballet; - dancers of erotic dance; - folk song ensemble; - cartoonist.
Step 10
Do not forget to order a video operator and a photographer, which will help to preserve all the unique details of the merry celebration.