How To Celebrate The Year In Korean

How To Celebrate The Year In Korean
How To Celebrate The Year In Korean

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A child's birthday is a long-awaited holiday, and it is not surprising that loving parents want to celebrate it in a special way. Korea has one of the most interesting traditions, where the first birthday of a child is considered a particularly important event and is celebrated on a grand scale.

How to celebrate the year in Korean
How to celebrate the year in Korean


  • - national Korean or just an elegant costume;
  • - fried rice cakes;
  • - fruits;
  • - meat and fish dishes;
  • - book;
  • - ball pen;
  • - rice;
  • - dagger;
  • - threads.


Step 1

In the past, Korea has had a high infant mortality rate. This was mainly due to the lack of quality medical care. At the same time, in a one-year-old baby, immunity increases by 50% compared to a newborn. Therefore, on the day when the child was one year old, they arranged a big holiday, because this meant that the child had passed the most dangerous period in his life.

Step 2

According to tradition, it is customary to dress up in national Korean clothes on the first birthday of a child. Boys were wearing traditional unmarried headwear, and girls were wearing makeup. However, modern Koreans do not always follow this rule and can simply dress the child smartly. Small business suits with jackets and ties for boys and princess dresses for girls are also popular.

Step 3

It is customary for Koreans to invite guests for a child's birthday by twelve o'clock. It is believed that in the morning, good spirits are stronger and more responsive to requests, so the wishes of happiness and health to the baby, expressed before lunch, will come true faster.

Step 4

There is also a set of traditional dishes that are put on the table in Korean on the first birthday. If you want the holiday to be in line with tradition, fried rice cakes, seasonal fruits, fish and meat dishes should be among the other treats.

Step 5

The Korean birthday is famous for its prediction of the unborn child. Put rice, a book, money, a ballpoint pen, a dagger (for boys), sewing supplies (for girls) on a low table and let the kid take any item he likes. If a child chooses rice, he grows up as an official, a book or a pen becomes a scientist, a boy who grabs a dagger becomes a warrior, and a girl who takes a thread becomes a skilled needlewoman. The child who prefers money will be rich. However, parents can put any items they like. Modern Koreans can put a laptop on the table (the child will become a programmer), a phonendoscope (a famous doctor), a microphone (a singer).

Step 6

After the choice is made, the invited guests present the baby with gifts and sit down at the table. In modern Korea, after the traditional meals prepared by the parents are eaten, the celebration continues at the restaurant.
