How To Celebrate The New Year - The Year Of The Earth Pig

How To Celebrate The New Year - The Year Of The Earth Pig
How To Celebrate The New Year - The Year Of The Earth Pig

Is there very little time left until the main night of the year? and it's time to start preparing. The symbol of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Pig. This is a family animal, very kind, symbolizing financial stability. How to celebrate the coming Year of the Pig.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 - the Year of the Earth Pig
How to celebrate the New Year 2019 - the Year of the Earth Pig

How to celebrate the New Year

The pig is considered a symbol of comfort, so decorations should be not only on the tree, but throughout the house.

  • candles in the form of candies;
  • decorations from spruce paws;
  • original decorations from cinnamon pods and dried citrus fruits;
  • yellow or gold balls with matching ribbons;
  • put oranges with cinnamon and cloves around the house - they will not only add a festive atmosphere, but will also be excellent natural flavors.

All these decorations will please the Pig, who loves luxury. Yellow - the color of the next year's symbol goes well with red, green and, of course, white.

New Year's table

There should be variety on the table, but don't prepare too many delicacies - prepare small portions of meat, fish and poultry. Be sure to place nuts, cereals, and whole grain bread in a bleaching dish on the table.

The main treat on the table is the truffle dish, but any wild mushroom treat will do.

Clothes for the New Year

The main color is gold and yellow, so it is advisable to purchase an outfit in these colors. But you can approach the selection of an outfit from the other side - yellow and gold accessories are still in trend. 2019 can be seen in gray, green or multifaceted berry shades, and the outfit can be anything: a suit, a shirt dress or a regular dress - everything is limited only by your imagination. By the way, floral prints are still in trend.

Regarding jewelry - gold and diamonds, of course, never go out of fashion, but this year you can pick up original jewelry made from natural materials, for example, wood.

Makeup for the New Year

This year, stylists recommend shifting the emphasis to the lips, while the hairstyle should be luxurious, intricate. Complex braids, extravagant types of coloring or a designer haircut - a hairstyle should attract attention and make an impression.
