It is very difficult to introduce a new holiday or cancel an existing one. Holidays appear when people need them. On Neptune Day, there is general joy and jubilation. This holiday is really loved by both adults and children. Its program is prepared every year carefully and in advance.

Celebrating Neptune Day
Cheerful holiday Neptune Day coincides with the Day of the Navy. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. Usually on Neptune Day, the weather is hot, so this holiday, with its traditional dousing with water, throwing friends into the water under the perky laughter of others, has become very popular and loved.
On Neptune Day, there can be sports competitions, and pirate carnivals, and foam parties, and discos, and funny contests. The main thing is that everyone should have fun, and there must be water nearby.
In the army, in rest homes and in sanatoriums located by the water, on such a day people have fun and swim. At the festival, the god of the seas, Neptune, with a white beard, in flippers, with a trident in his hands and surrounded by his retinue, always appears. Neptune is always accompanied by decorated mermaids, mermaids and devils. As soon as they appear, they immediately try to grab someone from the crowd and drag them into the water.
Neptune Day: Dates and History
The tradition of celebrating this holiday is rooted deep in history. In ancient Rome, July 23 was the day of the sea king, the patron saint of the seas and oceans - the formidable and mighty Neptune. In mythology, he is not only the lord of the oceans and seas, but also the patron saint of equestrian competitions and horse breeding. In honor of this god, a temple was erected in Rome, where celebrations were held annually called Neptunalia.
In Russia, for the first time, the holiday was held on boats under the command of I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky in 1803 during a circumnavigation of the world. Such a holiday was created in order to bring variety to the rather monotonous life of sailors during long passages from one seaport to another.
Day of Neptune is celebrated on ships at the time of crossing the equator. The captain of the ship asks the god of the seas to allow the crew to plow the northern and southern expanses of water. Baptism is performed by sailors who cross the equator for the first time. They are doused with water and also thrown overboard. Relay races are held on the water, water battles of two or more teams. Fun draws and competitions continue throughout the day.
When Neptune Day is celebrated, mermaids, devils, fish sing and dance, so the holiday is considered pagan. Recently, a proposal has appeared not to mark it at all and to replace it with something else. It is not known whether this replacement will be successful. Some holidays, including this one, remain too popular and loved by people, and it is not so easy to cancel them. And is it necessary..?