Children's birthday should not be like an adult feast. Of course, a treat is necessary, but it is not the main thing. In order for each young participant to have vivid impressions of the celebration, adults will have to be creative and come up with fun games and contests.

For any age
The age of the birthday person and his guests is of great importance in the preparation of contests. Therefore, make a list of invitees in advance. It is important to determine whether there will be only one-year-olds among the prospective participants, or whether a company of different ages will gather. In the second case, the conditions should be such that the smallest guests could fulfill them, but at the same time the elders would not be bored either.
There are quite a few universal contests in which both kids and older children and even adults take part with pleasure. They will need attributes that are easy to make yourself. For example, a competition for artists who paint while blindfolded. Usually, as an assignment, it is proposed to depict a face - one artist draws the eyes, the other the nose, the third the ears. But you can complicate the task by suggesting, for example, to draw a landscape. Before the start, the children are divided into two teams, each of them is shown a pre-drawn landscape, the participants agree on who and what will draw. Participants come to the list in turn. It turns out something like a relay race, in which the team that does the job most accurately wins.
Speed Mosaic
If you have 2-3 large sets of puzzles of approximately the same difficulty, you can collect pictures for speed. Participants are divided into teams according to the number of sets. The whole team collects the picture. The winner is the one that completed the task faster. The same competition can be arranged with constructors.
Theatrical competition
Prepare items that could belong to different fairy tale characters. This competition is held with all participants. The order is determined by lot. Place the items in a large beautiful box with a hole. The objects themselves should not be visible. The participant approaches the chest, pulls out the object by touch, guesses who it belongs to, and depicts the character. The winner is the one who does not make mistakes and portrays the character most artistically.
On open air
If you are celebrating a children's birthday in the forest or in the country, you can arrange contests using different natural materials. Collecting acorns and cones at speed is not at all necessary. You can, for example, fold a pattern from the same cones or autumn leaves. The author of the most beautiful and complex composition wins, but do not forget to praise the rest of the participants. You can invite young guests to make crafts from natural materials and hold an exhibition with a distribution of prizes.
To keep the children from getting tired
Competitions must be alternated. You will be able to keep the attention of your young guests for longer if sporting events alternate with calm games. In this case, the most familiar objects can be used in an unusual way. It would seem, what could be easier than running around the pins placed on the ground, hitting the ball on the ground? But you can change the tasks - for example, the second participant throws the ball up, the third squeezes it between his legs and does not run, but jumps along the same trajectory. The same applies to quiet contests. Even a traditional city game can be played out in an unusual way if you use, for example, modern technical means. You can not only name a city whose name begins with a certain letter, but also immediately find a suitable picture.