Holidays do not happen very often in our life. And such significant events as your own birthday, I want to celebrate on a grand scale. But the main thing in preparing the holiday is not the amount of money that you plan to spend, but imagination and originality in preparing the event plan. How to spend your birthday with friends so that no one gets bored?

Step 1
If you decide to celebrate the name day at home, prepare a themed party. The options can be very different - oriental motives with a hookah and pillows on the floor. Beach party with swimwear, cocktails and movies about seas and oceans. Gangster Night - Hand out toy pistols and fake money to your friends and play Mafia. As you can see, there are enough themes for the evening, choose according to your taste. Pay attention to detail when preparing. Decorate the room in the style of the era to which your event will be dedicated. Prepare dishes from those countries, buy fun accessories and invite guests to try them on. If your budget allows, order an on-site service. This eliminates the need to cook, serve food to guests, and clean up dirty dishes afterwards. The event catering staff will take over these responsibilities.
Step 2
If the time of year permits, spend your birthday outdoors. Marinate kebabs in advance, buy vegetables, herbs, bread, alcohol. Try to find a cozy forest clearing, preferably a swimming pool nearby. Bring a ball, rackets and shuttlecock for badminton, cards. Think, what else will you do with your friends? Perhaps someone has a dart board and it will be possible to have a competition. Then take care of small prizes. Let it be inexpensive gizmos, the main thing is that they remind of your merry holiday.
Step 3
A way that does not require any effort from you, but only a cash investment - a trip to a restaurant. Here, too, you can show your imagination and choose an unusual institution, the evening in which everyone will remember. For example, a Cuban restaurant; cafes where they eat in complete darkness; cabaret with incendiary dances and so on. Go online and look for information on restaurants in your area. Visit the selected establishments in advance, discuss the menu, the number of guests, the day of the event. If necessary, order the decoration of the hall, invite the toastmaster, the ensemble.
Step 4
When preparing a holiday for your friends, try to take into account their habits. A youth group is unlikely to enjoy an event in a calm restaurant with a brass band. And older people will not be delighted with the deafening music on the dance floor. If the company is mixed, make sure that everyone likes the venue. In such cases, a house party or a day out in nature will be the most suitable options. Entertain guests with games, come up with original costumes so that your holiday does not turn into a banal drinking bout. Try to pay attention to each guest, then your birthday will be held in a friendly atmosphere and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.