The turning point in the life of our children, the graduation party, becomes the holiday for which they are preparing throughout the final year of being in kindergarten, or studying at a school or other educational institution. Any solemn event will be remembered for many years if it is carefully planned and thoroughly prepared. The preparation of the material and economic component of the holiday is carried out by the parents, and the concert and congratulatory part is prepared by the participants of the events themselves, together with the teachers of the educational institution.

It is necessary
Creation of an initiative group of parents capable of calculating the financial component of the holiday and competently organizing economic activities for its organization
Step 1
At the beginning of the school year preceding the graduation party, choose an initiative group, which can be entrusted with all the economic and financial measures for organizing the graduation, by the parent meeting at the beginning of the academic year preceding the graduation party. It is very important that the personal wishes of the parents are used. It is a healthy initiative and an active life position that will help to organize the holiday most clearly and harmoniously. All further activities are carried out directly by the initiative group.
Step 2
Agree on a meeting of the initiative group at the beginning of the school year, at which the following issues will need to be resolved:
• decide on the place and time of the prom
• discuss the number of participants, make a list of them
• briefly discuss the topic of gifts for teachers, students and educational institution, if such a decision is made
• discuss the need to invite a photographer and videographer, options for cooperation with them
• negotiate the amount of the preliminary monetary contribution of each participant, determine the stages and terms of depositing money
• assign responsibilities and areas of responsibility in the group
Step 3
Specify the information on each of the proposed points. Ideally, each of the members of the initiative group should provide maximum information in the area of their competence. Having made a decision to rent any entertainment complex, cafe, etc., you need to find out about the conditions and terms of rent and booking, decide on the menu option. Find out the cost of operator and photographer services, agree on the volume and timing of their work. Determine the approximate cost of the planned gifts. It is necessary to pledge a certain amount for purchases for the holiday, made at the last moment - flowers, drinks, sweets. At the end of this stage of preparation, you need to have ready-made orders for such sub-items as the venue of the holiday and photo and video filming.
Step 4
Purchase scheduled gifts. This can be done in advance in order to save money. In addition, if necessary, award certificates and invitation cards are also purchased. Flowers and sweets are purchased immediately before the holiday. If a decision is made to independently decorate the premises for the holiday, then the materials necessary for this are also bought.