In order for the child to remember the graduation ceremony in the kindergarten as a bright solemn event, parents and employees of the preschool institution need to buy unusual gifts, decorate the group's premises, and think over the sequence of events of the festive evening.

The first big event in the life of a child is graduation in kindergarten. After there will be a solemn September 1 and many other important dates, but this evening in a preschool institution will be remembered in a special way. By the age of 6-7, the child is already able to fully realize the significance of this holiday: a certain stage in his life has ended, and he will never again become a pupil of this wonderful kindergarten.
Congratulations from parents
Graduation in a preschool institution is an event not only for the youngest household member, but also for his parents. Moms and dads are also preparing for this solemn day and buying gifts. Often at the same time, gatherings for school begin and the parents are tempted to give the child on the day of graduation from the kindergarten any things necessary for the educational period: schoolbags, books, albums, pencil cases and various stationery.
But it is better to buy a gift, albeit a small, but important for a preschooler, which will become for him a symbol of the prom in kindergarten. It can be a soft toy that a kid has dreamed of for a long time, a designer, a car or a doll. These things should not be ordinary, purchased from time to time in any case. They must have some peculiarity: for example, the same doll or soft toy can be decorated with a bow or suitable jewelry.
At the end of kindergarten, many parents give their child more meaningful gifts: bicycles, rollerblades and scooters, exercise equipment. If a child is passionate about something, then you can buy a thing of this particular subject. A graduation book is not the best gift. The preschooler has many years of study ahead and the end of the most carefree period of childhood should be marked by the presentation of a gift that is more interesting and memorable.
Congratulations from the kindergarten staff
Firstly, they prepare the gala evening itself, photo albums, postcards, small presents. All these gifts are bought not only by educators, but also by parents. Secondly, poetic wishes for graduates are composed. They are re-rhymed so that the name of each is harmoniously inscribed in the text.
The premises of the kindergarten group are carefully decorated with festive paraphernalia: balloons, flower garlands, posters and stained glass painting. All these preparations are designed to create an unforgettable atmosphere that a little person will now remember during his life with warmth and gratitude.