A holiday, a celebration is a joyful event for people. There are many different celebrations in the world. And the most common are - New Year, certain calendar days (March 8, February 23), Birthday, and, of course, a wedding … An integral part of the holiday is not only delicious treats, smart clothes, beautiful makeup, but also decoration of the hall. You can decorate not only the hall, but also any room, office or apartment.

It is necessary
- You will need balls to decorate the halls.
- Balls are the most common decoration.
- They can be inflated with helium, or ordinary.
- Fabric - it gives lightness and sophistication to the room. It all depends on what material you choose (organza, chiffon, satin).
- You can decorate the room with all kinds of decorative materials.
- The richest decoration is natural flowers, for example, roses.
Step 1
Any hall, no matter whether it is a banquet hall of a restaurant or a dining room, must be decorated. Decorations maintain the atmosphere of a real holiday, the mood of the guests. When you decorate the hall, you must not forget about your imagination, and most importantly, about a sense of proportion. If you are decorating the hall with balloons, then choose more suitable colors that would be combined with the hall. But, the main thing is that the balls do not merge with it in the color scheme. The simplest decoration is balloons inflated with helium, which are launched up to the ceiling throughout the hall, and compositions "fountains" are made on the tables. "Fountain" can be made of three, five or more balls. If you want something more original, it will depend on the holiday. There are many types of decorations for weddings, children's parties, New Years.
Step 2
If you want to decorate the wedding hall, you can make not only various "fountains" on the tables, but also helium chains over the main table (usually the bride and groom sit at this table), figures from balloons (swans, hearts), and letters. You can hang various delicate translucent fabrics with drapery. Cover chairs and tables with material. Sometimes flower decorations are made. Arrangements of roses and lilies are placed throughout the hall. They also put flowers on the main table, at the entrance, you can make a whole arch of flowers! For children's parties, decorations with flowers and fabric will not work. Children love everything colorful, bright, and most importantly, that they can play with it. Therefore, it is best for a child to make figures from balls: you can bring to life any favorite toy. It will turn out to be very large, bright, light and easy to carry. For example, you can make a clown, a large fairy octopus, a bright car, some fairy-tale characters.
Step 3
New Year. This holiday is absolutely for everyone: from a child to an adult. Usually, Christmas trees are placed on New Year's Eve. Decorate them with various materials: Christmas tree decorations, bows, candles, garlands, tinsel, serpentine, "rain". But you can also show your imagination and decorate with snowflakes, which you yourself can make from colored shiny paper. You can also decorate the New Year's hall with multi-colored tinsel, scatter balls on the floor. This will create a fabulous mood.