Anniversaries in our life do not happen often, and therefore all close friends and relatives of the hero of the day gather for the celebration. I would like the atmosphere on this day to be filled with respect for the birthday man, recognition of his merits, smiles and good mood. A brightly and beautifully decorated banquet hall can help in this.

Step 1
First of all, pay attention to the hobbies of the hero of the day. If he collects something, why not put the best pieces of his collection under glass and present it to the audience. If the hero of the day - the best and favorite pictures. If he writes poetry or composes music, be sure to have books with his works somewhere in the hall or have an instrument so that the hero of the day can sing his author's song. To many colleagues and friends, it will open from a new side.
Step 2
Make an original wall newspaper for the hero of the day. When designing, try to avoid the typical approach when photos of the hero of the day are pasted with funny captions to them. Get creative with your design business. Attach your collage photos with flowers in your hands, and in the middle of each flower - a wish to the hero of the day. You can head the newspaper "Locomotive of Life", and each trailer is a life milestone with a wish. Or make a wall newspaper in the form of a tree with leaves on which guests can write wishes during the evening.
Step 3
If a woman has an anniversary, take care of a large number of vases or containers for flowers, because, as a rule, guests come with flowers, give them immediately, and flowers in beautiful vases in the corners of the hall will themselves become its decoration.
Step 4
Order in advance a comic cartoon portrait of the hero of the day and hang it opposite the festive table. And just below the banner - "Happy anniversary!"
Step 5
If the hero of the day has several grandchildren, decorate part of one of the walls with children's drawings, drawn specially for the anniversary and reflecting the life of a grandfather or grandmother. Many would be interested to look at them with children's eyes.