All over the world, a huge number of various competitions for the best in the profession are held. The most relevant and demanded of them are contests for the best seller. As a rule, such contests are held to raise the prestige of the profession, improve the level of professional skill, and also to improve customer service. It is very important to properly organize and conduct such a competition. We will show you how to do this.

Step 1
Create an organizing committee of the competition, appoint its chairman. Develop a Regulation on the conduct of this competition. Usually the public relations center deals with this issue. Determine the composition of the commission that will evaluate the skills of the contestants. Decide on the number of sellers participating in the competition.
Step 2
Inform about the proposed competition, its date and venue at least one month before the start of the competition. Most often this is done in the local media and the "headquarters" of the competition. Here you can also receive applications from the contestants.
Step 3
Develop a competition program. Determine the number of tasks to be performed for the participants. Approve the regulations, as well as the assessment criteria by which the completed assignments will be assessed. As a rule, a five-point system is used.
Step 4
Consider rewarding the winners. Awards can be cash prizes, various diplomas and certificates issued to the "best seller of the year", "the most charming seller", or "the most polite seller", as well as gifts, badges, photos on the honor board and much, much more.
Step 5
Determine the order of the competition. Play out the serial numbers between the contestants. In accordance with them, the participants will complete the tasks of the competition program.
Step 6
After completing the entire set of tasks, select from the participants of the competition three leaders who have gained the maximum number of points, distribute the prizes and solemnly hold the awarding ceremony.
Step 7
Be sure to highlight the results of the competition in the media.
Step 8
Each of the participants wants to be a winner. The main thing is that the competition becomes a holiday and takes place in a friendly atmosphere. Such contests provide an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism, qualifications and can become a stepping stone in career growth. Good luck in holding the competition if you are its organizer, and victories if you are its participant!