Various contests and tests are one of the oldest wedding traditions that have survived to this day. Moreover, in the old days these tests were divided into two types: serious, real tests of the skills of a young bride, her thriftiness and master's grasp; and comic wedding contests.

Step 1
When coming up with a competition for a wedding, take into account, first of all, the main contingent of guests, as well as their age, range of interests, social status, etc. After all, a student wedding is one thing, and a wedding of adults and mature people is quite another.
Step 2
Remember also that the wedding contest should include as many guests as possible attending the wedding. In order for the celebration to pass positively and successfully, choose wedding contests so that it would be interesting and fun not only for the direct participants, but also for other guests.
Step 3
Don't forget that wedding contests should set a special mood. It's not every day that adults are given the opportunity to fool around and have fun. Competitions should introduce and unite all guests, leave joyful and vivid impressions of the holiday for a long time.
Step 4
Keep in mind that wedding contests should not be limited to just jumping in bags, taking off clothespins with your eyes closed, and passing matches from mouth to mouth. As practice shows, unusual and not boring wedding contests are much more fun and lively.
Step 5
Arrange wedding contests that test the newlyweds' readiness for family life as a fun game. Let the newlywed demonstrate all the same skills (cooking, sewing, knitting, caring for children and husband, etc.), but not under the unfriendly picky gaze of her mother-in-law, but under the cheerful and encouraging laughter of friends, encouraging exclamations from relatives. The young spouse, in turn, let him show his ability to perform male household duties (make or fix something, light a fireplace, chop wood, etc.).
Step 6
Summing up the wedding competitions, focus the guests' attention on the fact that the unity and understanding in the new young family won the victory, as well as respect for the institution of the family in general and parents in particular. It is great if a small symbolic prize is immediately prepared, for example, a bottle of champagne, which young people could open on their first wedding anniversary.