The tradition of decorating a festive Easter table with a plate with the so-called "Easter slide" exists in many European countries. On this plate, in its center, sprouted grains of oats or wheat are laid, and around - 12 painted Easter eggs, according to the number of the apostles. Another egg, unpainted, is placed in the center of the dish, on top of the wheat germ. This egg symbolizes Christ. You can make the "Easter slide" yourself, for this you need germinated wheat, and we will tell you how to germinate it.

It is necessary
Wheat grains 150-200 g
Step 1
Start germinating wheat 9-10 days before Easter. Carefully inspect the grains and remove unripe, damaged or with traces of disease, remove debris. Rinse them in plenty of boiled room temperature water and place in a clean container. Use glass, enamel or porcelain dishes to germinate wheat; aluminum containers cannot be used. Fill the grains with water at a temperature of 20-22 ° C so that its level is 5-6 cm above the level of the grain. Leave the grains in water overnight.
Step 2
In the morning, drain the water and rinse the slightly swollen grains again in boiled water at room temperature. Take a deep china bowl or tray and place two layers of damp gauze on the bottom. Put the grains on top of it, distribute them evenly over the bottom of the bowl. The layer of grains should not be more than 2-3 cm thick. Put another piece of wet gauze folded in half on top of the grains.
Step 3
Wheat should always be moist, so keep the gauze constantly moist. Rinse the grains themselves every 6-8 hours with cold boiled water and slightly air them for 10-15 minutes. Then re-lay and cover with damp gauze. Repeat rinsing and airing until sprouts emerge from the beans.
Step 4
Take a beautiful dish, put the earth on the bottom, shift it with the sprouted wheat grains and lightly water the mixture, put the plate on the window. When the shoots begin to reach for the light, rotate the plate around its axis so that the blades of grass grow straight. By Easter, sprouted wheat will turn green in your plate, which will become the basis of your Easter slide.