Honoring professionals in their field in Russia began in the 15th century. Famous merchant and artisan guilds annually summed up and celebrated the most successful and talented. Since then, the tradition of professional holidays has been developed.

Has its own professional holiday and accountant. It is not known for certain when the representatives of this profession were first honored; it is believed that the holiday stood out in the 19th century from the day of the bank employee.
It is worth noting that the dates of the celebration differ, for example, November 10 is considered the international day of an accountant, but on November 21 or 25, the holiday can be celebrated at the official level in Russia, because it was on November 21, 1996 that Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the law "On Accounting."
Despite the difference in dates, this holiday is very important for people of this profession, because they contribute to the development of firms, enterprises, both state and commercial.
Five centuries of history
The historically recognized time of the emergence of the accounting profession is the 15th century, it so happened that at this time the outstanding mathematician Luca Pacioli published for the first time a book on the basics of accounting.
Pacioli described all the complex mechanisms and processes of interaction of this science, or rather, he outlined the following sections:
- balancing, - Accounting, - thesaurus, - basic knowledge that every specialist in this field should know.
Accountant to accountant discord
Accountant's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, and there are even a number of geographical distributions. So, for example, in Russia November 15 is the day of the St. Petersburg accountant, and the 16th of the same month is the day of the Moscow accountant.
Why the dates of the holiday differ, hardly anyone can reliably explain. There is an opinion that in tsarist Russia this was done on purpose, so that officials could personally congratulate respected people both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow.
By the way, according to the latest data and surveys in Russia at the moment there are more than three million accountants, this profession has become very popular among applicants in the late nineties. According to statistics, up to 2003, up to 17 people applied for one training place. In the 2000s, the labor market was satiated, and the profession began to rapidly lose its relevance. There are even forecasts that within the next 5-7 years, accountants will cease to be in demand at all, giving way to computer technologies for accounting and balancing.
Summing up, we can safely say that it is officially possible to celebrate the day of the accountant at the international level on November 10, the remaining four conditionally holidays of November are "taken" by accountants by tradition.