Accountant's Day is celebrated in Ukraine on July 16. It was on this day in 1999 that the law "On accounting and financial reporting in Ukraine" was adopted, which determined all the basic rules for organizing, maintaining accounting, etc. Officially, the Day of the Accountant began to be celebrated in 2004.

The main goal of organizing the Day of Accountants in Ukraine is to emphasize the prestige of the profession, to destroy negative stereotypes. It is important to understand that a good accountant must be well versed in some aspects of modern legislation, be diplomatic, intelligent, punctual, attentive. Every year, during the celebration of Accountant's Day, its organizers strive to emphasize that it is the representatives of this profession that determine the success of the enterprise as a whole, the efficiency of resource use and the economic decisions taken.
To achieve this goal, the organizers hold various events that are attended not only by accountants themselves, but also by representatives of many other professions, and especially entrepreneurs. Specialists are congratulated by public and political figures, moreover, even the President of Ukraine himself often makes a speech of eulogy, noting the importance of the accounting profession and the special merits of its representatives, thanks to which not only individual organizations, but also the Ukrainian economy as a whole, develop. Also, accountants are congratulated by specially invited celebrities, and then a festive concert is held. In some cities, professional events are also organized at which various problems of the economy are discussed, and accountants share valuable experience with each other.
On Accountant's Day, in some cities of Ukraine, a ceremonial presentation of diplomas, certificates of honor, etc. to the best employees is also held. This ceremony is held in a solemn atmosphere, after which the accountants are congratulated by representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Treasury, State Tax Administration, etc. Famous singers also congratulate the best employees of the accounting department.
As a rule, Accountant's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on a grand scale, moreover, representatives of many other professions also celebrate it. In addition to official events, unofficial events are also held. In particular, in some organizations, employees congratulate accountants, give them gifts, organize corporate parties in their honor, and prepare congratulatory poems.