Any gift needs not only to be selected and handed over, it also needs to be beautifully wrapped. This seemingly simple procedure can cause some difficulties for a person. Of course, here you can ask for the help of a packer in any shopping center, but you can save money and do it yourself.

Step 1
It is most convenient to wrap a gift in paper if you first place it in a cardboard box. The box is not expensive at all, but the packed box looks much neater than just a thing wrapped in even very beautiful paper.
Step 2
You can also make the box yourself. The appearance of the box should not be embarrassing. After all, in fact, this is a frame for wrapping a gift. You can take ordinary cardboard, cut out several rectangles from it to fit the size of the thing, glue them with tape and place a gift inside.
Step 3
It is very easy to wrap a gift in paper. Take the gift box and place it in the center of the wrapping paper. Wrap the paper all the way around the box in one direction. The edge of the sheet should end up at the center of one of the edges.
Step 4
Now unfold the box back. There are folds on the paper. Very well. These are our marking lines.
Step 5
Estimate the dimensions so that the free edges of the sheet will come together in their middle when folded. Now cut off the excess paper.
Step 6
Wrap the box back using the scribed lines. Leave the same amount of paper on all sides. Tape the center line with tape. It is better to use not large pieces, but to make inconspicuous rounds from scotch tape. It is enough to grab the point of contact in two or three places.
Step 7
Now bend the free equal sections towards the box so that they converge on each side. You will have 4 more new lines. Using these lines, fold the corners in the same way as you did on the "Mask" candies. You need to wrap the sections of paper from two ends inward to form two triangles on the other edges.
Step 8
After that, it is enough to connect the two triangles on each side with each other using the same tape. Gift wrapped!