Sabantuy is the most ancient and favorite holiday in the Republic of Tatarstan. It is dedicated to labor on the ground, marks the end of spring field work and beautifully reveals all the rites and customs of the Tatar people.

The name of this holiday comes from two Turkic words - saban (plow) and tui (holiday). The origin of Sabantui was originally associated with the flourishing of nature and the beginning of spring field work. And all the rituals that have come down to our days are in praise of the sun and the god of heaven. From here came the traditional competitions in jumping, running, wrestling and horse racing.
Gradually, under the influence of time, with the adoption of Islam and the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1918, the holiday changed somewhat, and its celebration was postponed to the day of the summer solstice. Despite this, through the centuries, Sabantuy has preserved the best examples of the cultural heritage of the Tatars - games, songs, dances and an original competition in strength and dexterity.
Today this holiday has received the status of a state holiday, and it takes place in three stages. On the first weekend after the end of the spring field work, Sabantuy is celebrated in the villages and villages of the Republic, a week later the holiday comes to large cities and, finally, another week is celebrated in the capital of Tatarstan - the city of Kazan.
The administration must allocate money for this holiday and in every possible way contributes to its organization, because it is a huge cultural value of Tatarstan. In all administrative centers in Sabantuy, platforms are being built for performances of masters of the arts, for holding concerts, maidans are sure to be organized for contests and competitions, and folk festivals are held.
Particularly impressive are sports games and competitions, the traditional of which are the raising of stones, hand wrestling, tug-of-war (lasso tartysh), as well as a joke competition in running with a yoke. In addition, there are often fights with bags of straw, breaking pots and climbing on a pole. And if the conditions of the organization permit, trick riding, a pair sledding competition, fast riding under the saddle and kyz kuu are held - a competition during which a rider guy must catch up with a rider girl and kiss her at a gallop. Thanks to this celebration, Sabantuy contributes to the preservation of ancient traditions, passing them on from generation to generation.