New Year is simply unthinkable without multi-colored shiny rain. The outfit of a festively decorated Christmas tree turns out without it, as it were, unfinished to its logical end. The "streams" of rain shimmering in the light of the garlands enhance the beauty and splendor of the festively decorated house. It is not enough just to sprinkle rain on the branches of the Christmas tree (it would be too easy), you can connect your imagination and give the Christmas tree an amazing original look.

Step 1
Take 6-8 bags of rain of different colors (depending on the size of your forest beauty). Remove the rain from all packages and fasten evenly to the bases on the top of the spruce. Take a bunch of rain of the same color and gently spiral it from the crown to the lower branches. After it, twist the second bundle in a spiral, then the third, etc. Your tree will shine with all the colors of the rainbow. A very picturesque decoration option.
Step 2
First, do everything in the same way as in the first option. Only distribute the second bundle of rain in a spiral, not after the first, but in the other direction. In certain areas, they should meet and overlap each other crosswise. Cross "streams" of multi-colored rain look very impressive.
Step 3
If you place your tree in a room in a corner or against a wall, you can decorate its "front" side (facade) with a contour figure made of rain. This is done when the Christmas tree is already decorated with garlands and toys. Take a long rain and attach it to the top of the tree by the base. Now lay out any shape directly along the branches, securing the rain on the branches if necessary with paper clips or threads. Thus, you can lay out a star, a snowflake, a herringbone, a funny smiley or a face of a fairytale hero. If one package of rain was not enough, attach a second bundle on the top of the tree next to the first one and lay out the contour of the same figure along the branches, but in a different direction relative to the first (opposite, as if in a mirror image). At the bottom, the ends of the rains should meet; don't leave the figure boring. If you laid out an asterisk, build rays of rain around it, do the same with the sun. If you laid out the head of a gnome, make eyes out of blue rain, a nose out of yellow, a wide smile out of red, a cap out of green, a beard out of silver, etc. Use a bright rain, fantasize.
Step 4
Until they started hanging balls on the tree, wrap the spruce trunk with silver or golden rain. Start curling from the bottom and spiral upward. If one bundle is not enough, take the second, third, as needed. At the top of the head, secure the end of the rain with wire or threads. Cut off the rain so that you get a fountain. In this case, you do not need a glass top for your Christmas tree. Now you can start hanging balls and garlands on the forest beauty.
Step 5
Hang the rain strings not vertically, as most do, but horizontally. Spread the rain on the branches in such a way that the multi-tiered Christmas tree is emphasized. Change colors. Hang Christmas tree decorations between the tiers: in one gap only red, in the other - only yellow, in the third - only blue, etc. You can create one "edible" layer by hanging not glass balls, but candies in beautiful wrappers, small apples, tangerines, nuts wrapped in foil, etc.
Step 6
If your Christmas tree is installed on a dais (table, stool, bedside table), make a rain cascade from the lower branches to the floor (the original "skirt"). To do this, pull a strong thread along the entire diameter of the bottom of the tree, and then hang the rain on it in such a way that it reaches the floor. You will have to hang up densely, almost completely. At the end of the procedure, use scissors to trim the "hem" of the skirt (the lower part of the "cascade"). If you wish, you can put New Year's toys behind this shiny curtain.