Undoubtedly, New Year is a family holiday. Therefore, it is important and necessary to celebrate it in an atmosphere of mutual warmth, love and understanding. And if there are kids in the house, then you simply cannot do without magic. We will find out how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year with children.

- An important stage in New Year's fun is preparing for it. After all, you need to do a lot for the long-awaited miracle to happen. For example, write a letter to Santa Claus. And it doesn’t matter if your child doesn’t know how to write yet. Do it with him or portray desires in pictures.
- Decorate the house for the holiday with the little helpers. To do this, you can use homemade toys: paper balls, appliques, origami, etc. Draw beautiful snowflakes and frosty patterns on the windows.
- Do not forget about colorful festive outfits for yourself and your children. After all, the New Year for kids is not just receiving gifts and sweets, it is an opportunity to try on the image of a favorite fairy-tale character.
And now this long-awaited day and hour has come. The fun began.
- It is very important that these happy moments remain not only in memory, but also in video recordings, in photographs. Take care of it! Let one of the parents be the operator, and the other - the host of contests and games.
- New Year's promises can be interesting not only for adults, but also for children. Stand around the tree and say them holding hands. You shouldn't be very serious about them, the fun involves jokes and practical jokes.
- Outdoor games are one of the key moments of the holiday with little mischievous people. After all, it is simply impossible to sit still with them. Channel children's energies in a fun but safe direction. Play pirates, hide and seek with children, dance. For a relaxing holiday, you can use board games.
- Call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Don't ruin children's fantasies for as long as possible and fuel them. Let someone you know change into the main characters of the holiday for a short period, or you can invite real artists.
After the holiday
New Year's magic does not end with January 1st. Gifts under the tree are what all the little ones on the planet are waiting for. And here you need to try. Find out in advance about their desires, or be guided by a personal vision. But the main thing is that it should be a pleasant surprise, a miracle.