The familiar feeling of long, slow-moving leisure days, especially if you're used to working all the time? Summer vacation, a series of holidays, just weekends … Sometimes you look forward to the start of your working days, because you just can't figure out what to do with yourself. It is enough to competently and clearly plan and think over your leisure time and vacation will no longer seem so monotonous and monotonous. If you got a little free time, rejoice in this and use the tips on how to diversify your leisure time.

Step 1
Make an entertainment plan. Namely, write a complete list of things and desires that you want to fulfill this week. When planning, the likelihood of completing them is very high - especially when you go through the list every day and cross out everything that has been achieved and done in this leisure.
Step 2
Take time to learn new things at your leisure. Let it be studying decoupage, massage or Vietnamese techniques, or maybe comprehending a computer, building or driving. The main thing is that this is new knowledge that you are interested in and to which you can always return. Don't forget to think about how you will put what you have learned into practice. The acquired skill may even contribute to a promotion.
Step 3
Do not be lazy, but on the contrary, become active. Sports and exercise will help you stay in shape and keep you cheerful. Get a gym membership, pool membership, or buy a new bike. Leisure is a high time to comprehend new sports directions that have always attracted you: yoga, Pilates, strip plastic or fitboxing.
Step 4
Entertain yourself. Choose a day and time for passive leisure activities such as watching TV, going to the movies, going to the spa, or going to a concert by your favorite band. Make sure you set aside a specific day and time for entertainment. For example, is a comedy movie always shown on Friday nights? Then we set aside the interval from 19 to 22 hours on Friday for watching TV. Thus, you will have more productive time to complete other cherished tasks.
Step 5
Finally, do what you have always dreamed of doing, but never had enough time. Analyze your budget, check with your family. And you will understand that this vacation is the perfect opportunity to rush to where you have never been. Spend your leisure time on a yacht in the Caribbean, visit and develop the legends of the Bermuda Triangle, walk along the old streets of St. Petersburg, climb the highest mountain in Gorny Altai. Or just take a road trip along the Golden Circle. Be creative, approach everything with optimism and ingenuity, and your imagination will help you organize unforgettable leisure.