There are many simple and original ideas on how to diversify the wedding, make it unusual, bright and interesting. Then not only you, the heroes of the occasion, but also your guests will remain in high spirits and will call you for a long time, thanks for such a wonderful holiday.

Step 1
Modern youth in most cases does not like shouts of "Bitter". But what about without them at the wedding? You can slightly modernize this tradition by placing in the most conspicuous place a sign "If you want us to kiss, ring the bell" and next to it a neat bell on a beautiful saucer or stand. There is no doubt that this innovation will please the guests, and as soon as the bravest guest rings the bell, the rest will also approach this attribute during the evening. Of course, you can't forbid guests to shout "Bitterly", but at least these shouts will spread to the pleasant ringing of a bell.

Step 2
Recently, at a wedding, it has become popular to put a so-called wish tree in the banquet hall; there are already many options for creating such a special corner, to which guests can come up and write their wishes to the young throughout the evening. But after all, wishes and so speak the whole wedding in the form of toasts, congratulations. Therefore, you can make another corner, with a sign "How do you see us in 25 years?" There is no limit to the imagination of the guests, it can be done in a humorous way, you can quite seriously imagine the newlyweds in a long joint marriage, how they will look and how they will behave with each other. All these notes can be saved until the silver wedding, and there you can read to the guests, laugh at something, and be surprised at something that this is how it all happened. You can also read these notes on your wedding day, everyone will be curious to hear what some of the guests fantasized.

Step 3
Without a doubt, all the guests are preparing for the wedding for a long time, buying outfits, beautiful shoes. Both women and men quickly get tired of new, unworn shoes. They would be happy to take part in competitions, dance with everyone, but they refuse only with a smile and shyness, remaining to sit in their places. There is a solution to this problem. Place a basket full of slippers of different sizes in the hall. You can hang a sign "For tired legs" on the basket. This cute attribute, firstly, will bring a smile to the guests and give the atmosphere home coziness, and secondly, it can be very useful to someone.

Step 4
To end the wedding evening, you can arrange a path of sparklers. It looks magical and festive, and the costs are much less than for fireworks. To do this, give all the guests a pair of sparklers, line them up in 2 rows, one opposite the other, so that they organize one large corridor. It is better to take more sparklers, and, accordingly, the width of the path along which the young people will run, too. In advance, you need to stock up on several boxes of matches so that the process of lighting the lights does not drag on. And be sure to check a couple before purchasing sparklers, whether the batch is defective, as there are times when the lights simply do not light up.

Step 5
If you do not have a 2nd wedding day, then you can end the wedding evening quite unexpectedly by dropping off immediately on your honeymoon, right in your wedding dresses! Take a group of friends who will take you to the airport, and most importantly, they will capture it on a camera. And then, having said goodbye to your friends, go without hesitation or fear, walk proudly, with dignity, with a happy smile on your face: you entered into a marriage on this day, on this day you are the most beautiful and happy. Let passers-by and the employees themselves congratulate you at the airport. And you will have something to remember and tell your future children.