Gifts for birthday are quite difficult to choose, and even more so for a man's 55th birthday. At this age, a person already has everything he needs, so when choosing a gift, you should show your imagination.

Intellectual gift
A gift to a man for his 55th birthday should express the warmth and respect of loved ones, their love and gratitude. For the hero of the day at this age, gifts cause special feelings, especially if the family is strong, and there are grandchildren and children.
At 55, physical activity is no longer what it used to be. At this age, preference is given to wisdom and life experience. Therefore, it is best to buy gifts of an intellectual plan, for example. Gift options for board games that are dear to the heart of the birthday boy.
Another gift option is a wall panel. By the way, special panel puzzles are on sale. Such wall paintings, before being hung on the wall, will have to be assembled on their own. Look also at icons or sculptures, collected works or encyclopedias.
Gifts for hobbies and work
At 55, men, as a rule, work, and even hold fairly high positions. Such a birthday boss will love a set for a desk. Also, a very status thing, suitable for men in high positions, is a genuine leather purse. By the way, the clasps on it can be made of natural stones or with gilding.
If a man does not work or does not hold any position, then pay attention to his hobbies. The hunter can be presented with a gun or a hunting knife. The fisherman will be delighted with a new rod or spinning rod. A motorist will like some unusual device for his iron friend.
It is easier and at the same time more difficult to choose a gift for a collector. It is easier because you know from which area to purchase the item. The difficulty lies in the fact that only a specialist can buy a truly collectible item, and such things are expensive.
Comic gift
It is not necessary to give an expensive and necessary gift. Indeed, at 55, a person's life is adjusted, he has everything. In this case, give preference to memorable souvenirs.
Order a portrait of the birthday person from the artist in some unusual style or place. If you communicate closely enough with the hero of the day, you can compile a chronology of important events in his life in photographs, writing an interesting story under each.
A T-shirt, a mug, a certificate, an order for “the world's best dad / grandfather / husband / brother / colleague” will become memorable gifts that can evoke a whole range of feelings.
Don't forget about flowers! Men are also given flowers, only the composition of a man's bouquet is a special art. Order a huge bouquet of flowers in the flower shop by putting a postcard with warm words in it.