The coming 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Dog, whose element is Earth. To attract happiness and prosperity to the house in the new year, it is worth appealing the patroness of the year with the correct celebration of this event.

Since, she loves comfort and a warm family atmosphere without excessive pomp and hype. New Year can be celebrated An excellent option would be to celebrate the coming of the year in a country house or in the country. Closeness to nature will appeal to the Yellow Dog. You can also go to visit friends, because the Dog is famous for its friendliness and appreciates the real manifestations of friendship.
Before the celebration stands carefully for the interior. The new part should be gold, yellow or brown. It can be decorated with tinsel, live spruce and pine branches with cones, as well as a variety of snowflakes. The dog does not like excessiveness, so a few simple New Year accents will be enough.
It is believed that you can attract good luck for the whole year by feeding stray dogs. Of course, you shouldn't leave your tailed pet unattended and treat the dog with some special treat.
Entertainment is an integral part of the New Year's celebrations. Their list should include active and fun games, as well as sports competitions and competitions. The dog appreciates in people Therefore, jokes and contests should be friendly, funny and understandable for the whole company.