Along with the pre-New Year's bustle and the organization of the most beloved holiday of the year, many are worried about the question of what to wear for the celebration. Since the Yellow Earth Dog does not like excessive pomp, the outfit should be appropriate.

New Year's outfit color
First of all, you should pay attention to all shades of brown and yellow. It can be mustard, terracotta, lemon, peach, beige, chocolate, pearl or gold. An elegant outfit of calm and noble shades, without unnecessary prints and drawings, is suitable for celebrating the New Year. The main thing is that the color of the dress is natural, and not bright and flashy. The Yellow Dog is not too fond of predators, so tiger and leopard colors should be avoided.

Styles and materials
Choosing an outfit for the celebration of 2018, you need to give up a deep neckline and extreme mini. First of all, you should pay attention to the classic fitted models. For example, sheath dresses, elegant pantsuits, A-line dresses, various cocktail dresses, and skirts and floor-length dresses. Among the materials, it is worth giving preference to lace, velvet and natural fabrics.

The main taboo is fur in any of its manifestations, so you should not choose a dress with fur trim or fur accessories. You should also refrain from jewelry with feathers and sequins so as not to look vulgar in the eyes of the hostess of 2018. It is best to choose accessories made from natural materials - precious and semi-precious stones, wood, precious metals. Do not hang yourself with jewelry from head to toe, the Yellow Dog will definitely not appreciate this.