One of the most important holidays for every person will come very soon - the New Year. The coming 2018 will be the year of the Earth Yellow Dog. How is it right and what is the best way to meet him in order to appease this animal?

According to the Chinese calendar, the symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog. People born under this sign have a special dedication and loyalty to ideals. They are also very honest and fair, you can always rely on them.
Unlike our generally accepted norms, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar is celebrated not on January 1, but on the day of the second new moon from the winter solstice. In 2018, such a day falls on February 16. Well, in our country, of course, he will be greeted as usual.
Regardless of the place where you want to celebrate the New 2018, your outfit is an important part of the holiday. Each shade of clothes on this day will symbolize those changes in your life that you would really like to achieve in the coming year. Since the year of the Yellow Dog, it is better to give preference in clothes to this color. But other colors will also be relevant. For example, silver will bring a person a change of job or occupation, orange will bring more knowledge and experience, yellow or gold will improve well-being.

Do not wear bright red outfits for the holiday. The Yellow Dog does not like him and this can negatively affect the success of the next year. Still, it will be better if you wear a modest outfit in yellow or brown, or, for example, a classic black and white suit.
For the celebration, it is advisable not to wear fur products, as well as outfits with the image of cats or reptiles. Astrologers are sure: a thrifty dog does not like pomp and pretentiousness. Therefore, you will have to abandon the deep cuts and neckline. Among the accessories, it is undesirable to wear chains, they symbolize the infringement of freedom.
The correct outfit for the celebration of the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog should be free, not restrict movement and made of natural fabrics. But do not forget about the beauty of the female lines. The outfit should still emphasize the figure and hide flaws.
The best decorations for this evening will be gold items. About this, there is a huge assortment to choose from and therefore each person makes it independently.

As for the makeup for women, then gold ink, shimmering powder and blush are quite suitable. It is better to style your hair in the usual everyday way without any frills.
Shoes, both for men and women, are suitable for this day made of suede in calm and soft tones. Leave your shoes with large heels at home. In order to somehow stand out against the general background, you need to give the costume a finished look. To do this, you can use a beautiful gold brooch or cufflinks.
If you appease the Yellow Earth Dog with the necessary outfit on New Year's Eve, then the whole of 2018 will be successful for you.