The symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog, which does not really like to stand out. Therefore, you need to spend the whole year in peace and harmony, without committing any rash acts. Celebrating the New Year takes an important place in the life of any person. No less significant is the list of dishes that need to be prepared for this celebration.

The Yellow Earth Dog is a very kind and non-greedy animal. Therefore, there should be enough different products on the table. But preference should still be given to meat dishes. For the celebration, it is necessary to prepare meat salads, aspic, a good meat chop and any game cooked on the fire. A lot of greens should be added to good meat, in particular parsley, lettuce, celery, dill, and so on. Also, to meet the Yellow Dog, a variety of fresh fruits and berries should be present on the table: oranges, strawberries, apples, bananas, raspberries, tangerines.

Dogs really like sweets, of which there should also be plenty on the table: various candies, marshmallows, soufflés, and so on.
Recipe for meat salad with vegetables and crab sticks
To prepare it, you will need 300 g of pork or beef meat, which is boiled in salted water with the addition of spices. Then it is fried and cut into cubes. 50 g of crab sticks, 100 g of fresh cucumber, 3 eggs and 300 g of boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes or cubes. Then all the ingredients are mixed together and seasoned with mayonnaise. Top this salad is decorated with green lettuce leaves.
The Yellow Dog loves everything natural, so it is better to use only natural products for table setting.
Since a large number of meat dishes should be present on the festive table, this should be taken into account when choosing drinks. Various red wines are ideal for such occasions. If you are preparing hot fish dishes, then white wine will do. You can also purchase cognac or a good liqueur in advance, which are ideal for sweets. And, of course, what a New Year without champagne. This sparkling drink is almost always relevant. The most important thing is not to make a lot of noise when opening the bottle. A dog is a peaceful creature and does not like harsh sounds. For the same reason, one should abandon the explosion of firecrackers and fireworks. For financial well-being, be sure to put a banknote under the tablecloth.
Of the dishes that will have to be abandoned when celebrating this New Year, everyone's favorite herring under a fur coat stands out, as well as salads and sandwiches with caviar. For cooking meat dishes, horse meat is not the best option. Among the drinks, it is undesirable to serve beer, lemonade and any spirits on the table. All dogs react negatively to them.
If you take into account all the wishes of the Yellow Dog when preparing dishes for the festive table, then next year will bring you a lot of positive emotions and good luck.