On the eve of the New Year's turmoil and the entry into the rights of the patron saint of 2018 - the Yellow Dog, many want to know what the coming year has in store for us. Great hopes are pinned on the Year of the Dog, because it promises to be calm and promising enough.

domestic animal, loyal, sensitive and friendly to man. She loves justice and honesty, does not tolerate deception, especially from loved ones. All these traits of the totem animal will be reflected in the events of 2018. Astrologers believe that under the influence of the peaceful and kind-hearted Yellow Dog, many conflicts will be resolved and the situation in the world
In general, it promises prosperity and chances for improving living conditions. But this will be accompanied by luck only to sensible people who competently know how to distribute their finances. Spenders and people looking for momentary benefits may not only fail to achieve their goals, but also lose everything. The dog encourages
It is worth noting that for all kinds of travel and travel. This is not surprising, because the Dog, despite its domestication, loves and appreciates freedom and the search for new experiences. In 2018, it's time to expand your horizons and go anywhere in the world.
Considerable attention, as well as to friends and family. Therefore, in 2018, people who are looking for their mate will think about starting a family and not miss their chance. The Dog is very fond of family people, so that everything will be as calm and harmonious as possible. True friendship in the Year of the Dog will become even stronger, and insincere relationships will end by themselves.
Career growth awaits people who think outside the box, as well as leaders who are ready to take responsibility (the dog is not alien to herd instincts, and the leader is always the smartest and most adventurous). Also, scientists and inventors, inspired by the highest goal and working for the benefit of people.