Any anniversary is a large-scale holiday, when the guests, colleagues and friends gathered around the hero of the day say many good words to him, give him valuable gifts, certificates and honor him in every possible way. However, without an organizer, the holiday runs the risk of turning into a banal "booze", when some, interrupting each other, begin to share memories, others sing a song, and the men on the terrace begin to "poison" jokes. To prevent this from happening, one of the close relatives must take on the function of the toastmaster. After all, as you know, people of this profession often become a decoration of the holiday.

Step 1
Prepare and print beautiful birthday greetings in verse in advance. If one of the guests forgot a postcard at home, you can always help by sharing verses. It will also be a good filling in of pauses, when, for example, a word from one guest needs to be passed on to another.
Step 2
Also, don't forget the toast. There are many sites on the Internet with good words that will probably work for your anniversary. It is better to use not only soulful toasts, but also with kind light humor.
Step 3
When all the guests say good words to the hero of the day, and during the breaks they try all the dishes on the table, they, of course, want to warm up. Prepare games and contests in advance. Here it is important to rely, first of all, on aged guests, because young people can take part in the fun easier, but some youth drinking games can offend the older generation and ruin their mood.
Step 4
Also choose the musical arrangement for every taste. If the hero of the day loves Nadezhda Babkina, this does not mean that all evening you need to listen only to her songs. Choose universal dance compositions to which all the guests will dance together
Step 5
If there are those who want to sing, do not deprive them of this opportunity. Perhaps not everyone likes the good old hits performed by the guests' choir, but such singing in unison will please the guests, unite them and will be remembered for a long time. Choose a repertoire for a more fun performance.
Step 6
Come up with an unusual congratulation ritual. Prepare in advance small beautiful forms on which guests can write their congratulations. And at the end of the evening, solemnly collect these wishes, read them out and put them in a beautiful bag - until the next anniversary, when it will be possible to check whether the wishes have come true or not. Or hand out coins cut out of cardboard and painted with gold paint to the guests in advance. During the first toast, guests can present these coins to the hero of the day with the words “for happiness”, “for health”, and maybe “for a new home” or “for rest”. If the guests are going to give money anyway, you can stick pockets on the back of these coins and put real bills there.