How To Celebrate Easter At Work

How To Celebrate Easter At Work
How To Celebrate Easter At Work

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Easter is a bright holiday, which is perceived by Christians as the triumph of life over death and the hope for the salvation of the soul. On this day, Christians remember the sacrifice made by the Savior and rejoice at his miraculous resurrection. It is only natural that they want to share their joy with their colleagues at work by celebrating Easter with them. What is the best way to do this? Especially when you consider that among your colleagues there will probably be either atheists or people professing a different religion.

How to celebrate Easter at work
How to celebrate Easter at work


Step 1

The main rule: treat other people on this day with special attention, warmth and tact. Especially to colleagues. If you know that some of them do not consider themselves to be Christians, in no case show any disapproval, moreover, do not try to arrange a religious dispute, proving the advantages of the Christian faith. Now is not the time or place for that. Just sincerely, from the heart, with a kind smile, greet each colleague with the words: "Christ is risen!" As a rule, even non-Christians answer with the proper words: "Truly he has risen!" Do not be offended and do not be indignant if someone answers in a different way, for example: "Congratulations on the holiday!" Take it calmly, with understanding.

Step 2

Bring a treat to work. How much and what kind of dishes to bring depends on your desire, imagination, financial capabilities. But their list must necessarily include at least one Easter cake and several colored eggs (best of all, according to the number of colleagues, including you). Easter cake can be baked at home, you can buy ready-made. It is better if it is baked by you or someone from your family and decorated. There are a lot of types of decorations: there are chocolate icing, powdered sugar, and multi-colored crumbs.

Step 3

Be sure to consecrate Easter cake in the church. This can be done either at night, during the all-night service, or in the morning, on the way to work, by going to the nearest church.

Step 4

You can also bake mini Easter cakes for each of your coworkers, or paint more boiled eggs so they can bring them home as a gift from you. Do not be embarrassed by the modesty of your gift, because the main thing is that it is made sincerely, from a pure heart. As the Bible says: "Better is a dish of herbs, but with love, than a dish of meat, but with hatred."
